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Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A three-quarter length portrait of a Mandari man wearing an arabic-style tunic and red, yellow and green beads around the neck. He has a number of radiating decorative scars on the forehead, which both sexes adopted from the Dinka, although without the connotations or ritual of initiation which accompany such markings among that group.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A portrait of a man seated on a deckchair, identified as Kok (also known as Ajayich) who was an Atuot by birth, but who had lived since childhood with maternal kin in Mandari. As a doctor of powers he practicised locally, divining in the case of possession and advising in matters spiritual. He is wearing a thick ivory arm ornament, which at that time was a prestigious object worn by wealthy people.
Country location: South Sudan
Items: 2


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