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Collection: pittriversmuseum.edwardevanevanspritchard
Description: A head and shoulders profile portrait of an initiated man with heavy lines of scarification on the forehead. The operation (gar) is a severe one which causes much blood loss, across the forehead from ear to ear. Boys were normally initiated between the ages of 14-16, and a group initiated during a number of successive years belong to an age-set. After initiation a youth is prohibited from milking, able to marry, gains a spear and an ox from which he takes his ox-name, and was able to go on cattle raids against the Dinka.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: pittriversmuseum.edwardevanevanspritchard
Description: A man (identified as Ojo) having his hair dressed by another who is crouching behind him. Spears are stuck in the ground beside them and an antelope skin is stretched out behind.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: pittriversmuseum.edwardevanevanspritchard
Description: A man (identified as Kamanga, one of Evans-Pritchard's servants) posed blowing a magic whistle (kura). Such whistles are mostly worn about the body and are used for a variety of purposes, such as to ward off witchcraft. They are made from plants and horns with magical associations, such as zerengbondo, a type of creeper.
Country location: South Sudan
Items: 3


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