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Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: An analysis of the situation in Sudan at the time of independence. Topics covered include the waters of the Nile, race, religion, mutiny in the South, and administration and social policy.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This almanac describes how various calendars, climates and geographies are affected by astronomy. It uses astronomical calculations made by the Egyptian Survey Department.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This handbook offers information about one of Sudan's main crops: cotton. Topics covered include the cotton ordinance of 1926, licensing information for ginning factories, offences and penalties, and irrigation, among others.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: The book explains the origin of the Oud (lute) instrument and its role in the musical composition during the Islamic era until its introduction into Sudan.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: Presented by the Egyptian government to the British government on 2nd November 1952, this book is concerned with self-governance and self-determination for the Sudan with the aim of reaching a settlement on the Sudan question. The book contains a series of agreements presented in a detailed manner with annexes.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: Including a trade index and a biographical section
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This book contains a series of quotes and biographies of the pioneers of the Ahmadiyya movement.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This pamphlet outlines the history of this particular area of Gezira, discussing agricultural cultivation, administration, irrigation plans, the economic effect, and the cost of the work. It also provides a history of engineering during the British occupation of Egypt. (London, McCorquodale & Co., Ltd. 1926).
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This directory covers a range of topics including memorable historical events, education and international relations in Sudan. There is also a trade index and biographical section.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: A handbook covering a range of topics from geographical and physical data to military forces, tribal and foreign communities, education, public health and agriculture.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: A book (which might have been intended to be published as a tourist guide) includes sections outlining general information on Sudan's history and ethnography, physical and social geography, climate, geology, minerals and water, the Nile, and religion.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This summary contains a series of historical legislative assembly events that occurred in Sudan between Monday 28th April and Saturday 3rd of May 1952.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: The book contains a number of examples of Arabic slang used in Sudan, including those influenced by the English language.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This handbook contains a series of legal lectures and general accounts. The transliteration of Arabic words is similar to that used in McMichael's ‘History of the Arabs in the Sudan’.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: Handbook relating to the registration, administration and winding up of companies limited by shares.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: A historical study with special reference to the contemporary situation in Egypt and Sudan.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: A study of the place names and folklore of the Blue Nile Valley, highlighting the previous existence of the Nubian language in the valley of the Blue Nile.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: Volume 20 in the publisher's 'Criterion Miscellany'. The Criterion Miscellany series consisted of short works by authors and public figures active in the late 1920s and early 1930s in the UK. The author, who used not to provide any summary on the British system, recently went on to study Sudan. Her amazement at the wonderful work being done there with vivid sarcasm against herself is good fun and a better reading at a time of anxiety about India and Egypt. (Publisher Summary).
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: A description of the outrigger-nuggar, a little known river-craft operating on the Blue Nile and trading mainly between Wad Medani and Omdurman.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This book describes the geography, political history and economic conditions of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. It was released following numerous requests with the hope of informing students, businessmen and travellers of this period of Sudanese history.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: Part of the global Visual Geography series, featuring photographs and text to describe Sudan's land, history, government, people and economy.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: Notes on a series of journeys taken by the author through the swamps of Sudan. It includes observations on the swamps vegetation, Zeraf Island and the great plains of the Sobat.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This book covers the modern history of Sudan from 1898 to 1947.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This report offers an insight into the history, production and marketing of gum and the problems of gummosis - a condition where sap leaks from a wound in the tree.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This book covers the Turkish rule of Sudan and the siege and fall of Khartoum at the hands of Mahdism supporters.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: Detailed descriptions and illustrations of the routes, roads arrangements and classifications in Sudan in 1945. The book is incomplete and vacant page numbers have been left at the end of each section so that additions can be made.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: The book describes how the Ministry of Irrigation and Hydroelectric Power used water resources for irrigation and the generation of power. The book discusses different irrigation methods in Sudan and the different types of turbines and generators.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: An ordinance for the better regulation of the collection of customs duties on merchandise imported into and exported from the Sudan, 1926
Country location: Sudan
Items: 30


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