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Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: Marriage contract of the Sudanese citizen Faraj, a slave owned by Muhammad Salih al-sharif to Maryam, the maid owned by al-Hajjah Kamilah bint Shihata.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: Marriage Contract of Al-Hasayn ibn 'Abd al-Samad, the slave of Ibrahim Muhammad Hamza to the emancipated maid Madinah bint Abu Junayd.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: A note verifying the receipt of the lady Madinah bint Murr al-Jawab from 'Abdu Ahmed Gharib an amount of 2 Egyptian Pounds and mortgaged against the amount until its repayment an agricultural land in the presence of undersigned witnesses.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: A document verifying the emancipation of the slave maid 'Adab al-Farah bint Al-Adamiyyah Bahr al-Nil, by Karrar 'Ali Fadl Allah and his wife Sittahum Muhammad 'Abd al-'Aziz.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: Marriage Contract of the Sudanese citizen Komi Muhammadain Sulayman to the Sudanese maid al-Sabur owned by Bab Allah son of Muhammad.
Country location: Sudan
Items: 5


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