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Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Overview of the site. The dam will be 9 km long at crest level and 60m high above the river bed and will impound a reservoir with a storage capacity of 12.5 billion cubic meters.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: A view of dry land on the Merowe dam project site after the diversion of the Nile river. The Nile water diverted from the original path for the construction of the first phase.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: View from a crane cabin. The embankment dams will mostly be founded on migmatites and granite-gneiss.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: View of the site from the top of a crane with the river Nile in the background. The project aims at eliminating the current deficit in electricity in the Sudan and at satisfying future demand. The project also aims at contributing to the industrial and agricultural development, the employment and the improvement of the standard of living for the citizens.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Entrance of the CCMD joint venture offices on the Merowe Dam site. The civil contract went to the CCMD joint venture of state-owned China International Water & Electric Corp. (CWE), China National Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Corp. Chinese companies also won the $66-million hydromechanical package and the $397-million transmission system.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Welcome to the Merowe Dam site in Sudan. A board written in Chinese welcoming the visitors on site.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Chinese canteen.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: A brand new village next to the construction of the dam for the contractors. New village build on the Merowe dam site to welcome the foreign engineers living on site and the Sudanese Officials visiting the site.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Portraits of the Chinese managers working on the Merowe dam project.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: From a crane cabin. 50 tonne cranes on wheels, based on site for lifting solutions.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Chinese canteen.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Inside view of a Chinese woman worker’s bedroom.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: A Chinese worker standing next to the Merowe dam site in Sudan.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Chinese canteen. Price has been the key advantage for Chinese firms internationally. Profit expectations are 'much slimmer' than those of western rivals and expatriate staff costs are similarly lean. The personnel cost of Chinese companies is lower than that of western companies.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Portrait of a Chinese worker on top of a crane.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: A Chinese cook. All managers, 90% of engineers and 75% of technicians will be Chinese. Local staff accounts for 20% of skilled workers and all general labor. Sudanese staff earn on average $22 to $350 a week, while expatriates’ earnings are $220 to $600. The site now works two 10-hour shifts a day but may change to three 8-hour shifts
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: A Chinese worker is reading a book during his lunch break. All the Chinese workers based on the Merowe dam site are wearing the same blue uniform, a sun hat and a pair of trainers.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Chinese canteen.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Rice cooker, Chinese kitchen.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Overview of the site from the top of a crane. Civil works on Merowe Dam site which include excavation, fill, drilling and grouting works and concrete works for the dam and it's appurtenant structures. It also includes the necessary instrumentation and monitoring equipment for the operation of the dam.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: A brand new village next to the construction of the dam for the contractors. New village build on the Merowe dam site to welcome the foreign engineers living on site and the Sudanese Officials visiting the site.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: A lorry on site. All the equipment used for the construction of the Merowe dam project came from China by cargo to Port Sudan and then travelled all the way to North Sudan by road or by train.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: A group Chinese engineers are discussing the quality of the soil before starting a drilling test. Layers of silt in the Nile after the river has been diverted.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: A board written in both languages - English and Chinese at the entrance of the Merowe dam site. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2007. It includes the dam and its appurtenant structures, a hydro-electric power station, transmission lines, substations, the acquisition of land and the resettlement of inhabitants who have been affected by the project.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Portrait of a Chinese worker in his bedroom. All managers, 90% of engineers and 75% of technicians are Chinese. Local staff accounts for 20% of skilled workers and all general labour. Sudanese staff earn on average $22 to $350 a week, while expatriates’ earnings are $220 to $600. The site now works two 10-hour shifts a day but may change to three 8-hour shifts.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: A crane cabin occupied by a Chinese engineer.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: An inside view of the Chinese compound.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.merowedamsiteinsudan
Description: Chinese workers compound
Country location: Sudan

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