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Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:1,000,000 Dongala and Berber north E 36
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000 / Survey Office, Khartoum
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Spanish Saharah
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Matassi sheet 44-H / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: East Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, sheet 44-A / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Royal East Africa Automobile Association road map of Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika & Zanzibar: showing adjacent roads in Belgian Congo, Sudan, Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia / compiled with the help of the Public Works and Survey Departments of these territories. Road map of Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika & Zanzibar; Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika & Zanzibar.
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, J. er Rub sheet 44-G / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Zalat el Hammad, sheet 44-J / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: East Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Nukheila Oasis, sheet 44-B / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, El 'Atrun, sheet 44-F / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Langues des races d'oiseaux; Carte n ° 52 Afrique occidentale française; Algérie. Territoires du Sud - Port "East-Togo" Span.-West-Africa Gambie "Port.-Guinée; Le plan Atlantropa d'Hermann Sérgels Breeds of Birds languages; Map No. 52 French West Africa; Algeria. South Territories-"East-Togo" Span.-West-Africa Gambia" Port.-Guinea; The Atlantropa Plan of Hermann Sérgels
Country location: Algeria; Mauritania; Mali; Senegal; The Gambia; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Sierra Leone; Burkina Faso; Côte d'Ivoire; Ghana; Togo; Benin; Niger; Nigeria; Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Sudan & Wadai / printed at the Survey Dept. Egypt 1913 by the Photo-Metal Process
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan sheet 44-E / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Tribal map 1:1,000,000 / compiled at the Sudan Survey Department, Khartoum.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Laqiya 'Umran, sheet 44-C / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, J. Abyad, sheet 44-D / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000 / Survey Office, Khartoum
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: East Africa 1:250,000 Hagar Waqif Sheet 43-D. Hagar Waqif, French Equatorial Africa and Anglo-Egyptian Sudan / printed by Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and French Equatorial Africa, Hagar Waqif Sheet 43-D
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Principaux itinéraires et pistes de l'Afrique Franasy / Dressa, dessin et publication de la mise à jour partielle par l'Institut national en 1949 Main routes and tracks of Africa Franasy / Dressa, drawing and published the partial update by the National Institute in 1949
Country location: Chad; Niger; Sudan; Nigeria; Libya; Central African Republic; Democratic Republic of the Congo; South Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Colonia Eritrea: demonstration sketch of the routes of communication with Ethiopia and Sudan and area of commercial influences / compiled by M. Checchi.
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Carte du voyage de Mister Kelly vers Jane et Tombouctou Ridge; Tiré du magazine "De Voyager" Le livre des voyages Itinerary map of Mr. Caillie's journey to Jenne and Timbuctoo; from the magazine 'De Voyageur' the book of travels.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Tribal map 1:1,000,000 / compiled at the Sudan Survey Department, Khartoum.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Tribal map 1:1,000,000 / compiled at the Sudan Survey Department, Khartoum.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Matassi sheet 44-H / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Country location: Sudan
Items: 53


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