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Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Al-Zubayr Bashir Taha's poem in memory of Abdallah.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Abdallah's verse thanking Egyptian writer Taha Husayn for his kind words writen as an introduction to Abdallah's book Al-Murshid.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: A newspaper article describing the relationship between Abdallah and the Sudanese poet Mukhtar Muhammad Mukhtar who wrote a poem lamenting the flooding of Halfa as a result of the Aswan Dam.
Country location: Sudan
Items: 3
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