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Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Teacher Training College field trip to a farm.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Women from the Teacher Training College participating in a parade marking an anniversary of the education department.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Women from the Teacher Training College on a field trip near the Nile.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Griselda on a trip to northern Sudan as a schools inspector.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Griselda and Abdallah in front of their University of Khartoum House in Hay al-Matar. Abdallah was Dean of the Faculty of Arts and is wearing the gown he wore when he was awarded his Phd in the UK. The couple are going to attend a graduation ceremony.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Fatima Abd-al-Farraj, Griselda's colleague and former student who, on Griselda's recommendation, was the first woman to attend the Art College in Khartoum. Here in front of one of her scenery pieces.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Girls attending Griselda's art class in the purpose built studio at the girls secondary school, Amarat.
Country location: Sudan
Items: 35


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