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Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: January 21 1938. Six miles north of Kongor, Sudan: Another view of the grass fire area. 09:45.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: January 21 1938. Six miles north of Kongor, Sudan: Another view of the area left blackened by grass fires. 09:45.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: January 21 1938. Juba, Sudan: A village of the Bari tribe (10 miles NW of Juba) on the banks of a stream that is tributary to the Nile. Low oblique. 09:10.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: January 21 1938. Six miles north of Kongor, Sudan: An area of burned grassland, where peculiarities of the soil are shown up by the pattern of burning. 09:45.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: January 21 1938. Juba, Sudan: Looking southward up the Nile and showing in the foreground two river steamers tied up to the bank. Low oblique. 09:10.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: January 21 1938. Juba, Sudan: This Bari village (same as 4) is constructed with a stockade and the houses appear to be divided equally between grain storage bins elevated on stilts and living quarters. The river bottom, while dry, has ground water at a depth of about three feet and the women wash their clothes in this as well as using it for drinking water. Curious people, staring up at the airplane, can easily be seen in this picture. We had visited the village by motorcar, about an hour before this was taken, and have pictures also of life on the ground. Low oblique. 09:10.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: Sudan, Dry River Bed.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: Sudan, The Nile at Khartoum.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: Aerial view of area where Blue Nile & White Nile meet.
Country location: Sudan
Items: 9


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