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Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: In 1884 General Charles G. Gordon was sent to Khartoum to evacuate the Egyptian garrison. He attempted to defeat the Mahdi, but in 1885 the Mahdi captured Khartoum and massacred General Gordon and the garrison. The dervishes (followers of the Mahdi) took control of all Sudan except for the Red Sea fortresses.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Hon. Hubert Howard was killed by 'friendly fire' at the end of the Battle of Omdurman, Sudan, 2 September 1898: see P.F. D'Arcy, Laboratory on the Nile, New York 1999, pp. 24-25 (photograph of gravestone) The present drawing by his father might have been made as an idea for a tomb effigy.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Group of Nubian women and children resting by the Nile at Korti, Sudan. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1846.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: (John) William Watson, poet; 'Watson chose the sonnet as a means of upbraiding Britain for its unjust actions in the Sudan and for its weak, indecisive response to Russia's hostile moves in Afghanistan' (ODNB); knighted in 1917 for poems praising Lloyd George's conduct of the War; opponent of obscurantism in the Modern Movement. Head and shoulders to right looking to front, with large moustache.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Male and female Ethiopian slaves resting, Korti, Sudan. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1846.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The place is called Gishe Abbay (meaning sourceof the Nile), according to Bredin; called Geesh by Bruce, loc. cit.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Figures at the temple of Wadi Saboua, Sudan. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1846.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Temple at Wadi Saboua, Sudan. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1846.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Country location: Sudan
Items: 16


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