
Search results:

Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Photograph of the Minister of Transportation Mubarak Zarooq and a delegate of Shell Oil Company, at the opening of the pipe line
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Al-Bahari, the Minister of Transportation with the railway command at a railway station
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: The Minister of Transportation, Mubarak Zarooq, and the delegate of Shell oil company at the opening ceremony of the pipe line
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Photograph of Mubarak Zarooq the Minister of Transportation and a delegate of Shell Oil Company, at the opening of the pipe line.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Photograph of Mubarak Zarooq, the Minister of Transportation, and a representative from Shell Oil Company, at the opening of the pipe line.
Country location: Sudan
Items: 5


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