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Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: A half photo of HE Ezbon Mondiri enlarged for his funeral in 1991.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: Idi Amin Dada the President of the Republic of Uganda in a group photo with a visiting delegation from the Sudan shortly after he took over Uganda.
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: A photograph Clement Mboro of an unknown date supplied by Professor Yosa Wawa.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: The Democratic Republic of the Sudan. The Regional Ministers and Member of the High Executive Council headed by HE Abel Alier Kwai, Vice President of the Republic and President of the High Executive Council.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: Joseph Abuk in his house.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: The Democratic Republic of the Sudan. The Regional Ministers and Member of the High Executive Council headed by HE Abel Alier Kwai, Vice President of the Republic and President of the High Executive Council.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: Photograph of HE Ezbon Mondiri.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: Joseph Abuk in his home library.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: Joseph Abuk and Yosa Wawa posing for a photo.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: President of the High Executive Council and SSU Secretary Southern Department.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: The Democratic Republic of the Sudan. Equatoria Region: Governor, Ministers and Commissioners 12th June 1983, Southern Sudan Juba.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: The Democratic Republic of the Sudan. The Regional Ministers and Members of the High Executive Council headed by HE Joseph LAgu President of the High Executive Council.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: Abel Alier the Vice President of the Sudan and President of the High Executive Council.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: President of the High Executive Council.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: The Democratic Republic of the Sudan. The Regional Ministers and Member of the Interim High Executive Council headed by HE Peter Gatkuoth Gual, Minister of Finance, Industry and Economic Planning.
Country location: South Sudan
Items: 15


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