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Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: 15 MMS postage stamp showing the International year of malaria symbol over a figure presumably stricken with the disease. Blue and purple figures either side of the image clasp hands over the globe, showing unity. Stanley Gibbons catalogue number: Sudan : 167.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Various contraceptive methods: family planning in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Ahfad Reproductive Health Center, ca. 1999.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The woman's legs are spread; the center of the web is in her genital area.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Invitation to the launch of Griselda's book, Regional Folk Costumes of the Sudan which was based on her MA thesis in Folklore in 1975. Griselda's thesis contained paintings to illustrate the various traditional costumes she studied. These were incorporated into the new book together with more up-to-date illustrations of Sudanese fashion.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: A small happy family and a large sad family: family planning in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Sudan Family Planning Association, ca. 2000.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: A white chart containing Arabic text about female genital mutilation in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Ahfad Reproductive Health Centre, ca. 1999.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: A woman's face on shattered glass: women's health rights in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Ahfad Reproductive Health Centre, ca. 1999.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: A group of people talking in front of a group of mosques: multisectoral involvement in the fight against AIDS. Colour lithograph by Sudan National AIDS Programme, ca. 2000.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Silhouettes of a family of five: family planning in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Sudan Family Planning Association, ca. 2000.
Country location: Sudan
Items: 10


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