
Search results:

Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: The Administrative secretary shaking hands with the police officers in the city of Al-Damr
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Interns from Atbara's police department
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: President Isamel Alazhari being saluted by the police officers of the artillery forces in the city of Atbara during the independency
Country location: Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: Major General Magaya congratulating the police officers on their promotions.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Photograph of the Northern Police Band
Country location: Sudan
Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: This photo was taken when Magaya was promoted to the rank of Major General in Shendi in 1987
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: The Atbara Police celebrations
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Lieutenant of Atbara's Police Department
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Officers from the railway police inside a train
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Soldiers from the musical troop of the railway police department in the city of Atbara
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: The police and the northern territory officers at the moment of their honour in the year of independence.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph of police officers in the Northern Directorate in one of the celebrations.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Mr. Abd Al-Aziz Omar Al-Amin, the director of the northern directorate, Mr. Mickey, the Ghamandan of the police department, Eng. Zakie Naseem and the Sheikh Al-Rayeh Al-Fakki. Ghamandan is of Indian origin, meaning "officer or police".
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A group of police men at the training school in the city of Atbara.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Hasan Jaffar and three policemen
Country location: Sudan
Items: 71


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