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Collection: habibifunk.musicianphotos
Description: Abd al-Gadir Salim
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A portrait of Journain, the Flute Man, a traditional Dajo musician. He is playing the Kurdu, a traditional stringed instrument, in Nyala, Darfur.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A traditional Birgid song and dance group performing in Nyala, South Darfur.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: habibifunk.musicianphotos
Description: Abu Araki
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Sudan's oldest musical band headed by the Sol Daoud. Sol is the Arabic word for 'musical key', the key through which the music label is selected. In Sudan, sol often refers to the head of the musical band.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: habibifunk.broadcastingtelevisionandtheatremagazine
Description: An article about the popular singer Fadul Mohammed Fadul titled 'A meeting with Mohamed Ataa. The national crown Fadul Mohammed Fadul'. General information about him and his career. Radio, Television and Theatre Magazine, issue 43.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: habibifunk.lpcovers
Description: Record cover of the song Qamar al-Misa by Abu Obaida Hassam
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: Contains a number of chapters focusing on various aspects of the Jalalat and Army Marches: 1. Religious-style Jalalat* 2. Jalalat in Sudanese language and dialects 3. Jalalat training centres 4. Composed marches 5. Sudanese Ort (Battalions) marches 6. Popular marching songs 7. Pioneers of Sudanese music 8. Historical images of Sudan Defence Force Music 9. The leader or maestro of the band 10. Sudanese tones and musical scales 11. Conclusion *The name Jalalat is originally derived from Sufi methods that established prayer circles to spread the Islamic da'wa. The name derives from His Majesty, Allah Almighty, and successive generations did not know who recorded these robes and marches in terms of their regions and the occasions for which they were composed, the military marches and the Jalalat contributed to the recording of Sudanese folk music for different cultures. The popular songs that were sung for enthusiasm, exile and against colonalism, so the recording and preservation of these villas and marches as a military cultural heritage leads to the origin of the march of Sudanese art, which can be added to the history of Sudanese and military music.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: habibifunk.musicianphotos
Description: Altaj Makki
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: habibifunk.musicianphotos
Description: Ahmed al-Mustafa
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A portrait of Journain, the Flute Man, a traditional Dajo* musician. He is playing the Kurdu, a traditional stringed instrument, in Nyala, Darfur. *Dajo: a kingdom that arose in Darfur between the tenth and eleventh centuries AD and included the region from the White Nile to the Shari River and from North Kordofan to Bahr al-Ghazal
Country location: Sudan
Collection: habibifunk.musicianphotos
Description: Ibrahim Awad
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A close up of the fingers of Journain, the Flute Man, a traditional Dajo* musician, as he plays the flute in Nyala, Darfur. *Dajo: a kingdom that arose in Darfur between the tenth and eleventh centuries AD and included the region from the White Nile to the Shari River and from North Kordofan to Bahr al-Ghazal
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ismailabdallahmohammedyousif.ismailabdallahmohammedyousif
Description: The singer and the clandestine history of the Sudanese song. 'Abd al-Rahman al-Rayah - the poet of love and beauty.
Country location: sudan
Collection: habibifunk.musicianphotos
Description: Ali Ibrahim al-Laho
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Musician Al Amin Khalf Allah plays the oud, a fretless stringed instrument closely related to the guitar or lute, and sings a traditional song about the Battle of Shaikan. Shot at the Khalifa House in Omdurman.
Country location: Sudan
Items: 283


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