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Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A wide drone shot of Rezeigat nomads moving camels to the market in Nyala, South Darfur.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: Reviews - Catalogue of Sudan Birds
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: An Ornithological Puzzle
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A brief reply from an author of a previously published article in the journal regarding a reply to his work from a reader.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: An Arab sheikh
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A group of men and camels sheltered beneath a tree on market day.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: A group of men on camels
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: The Migration Of Storks and The Gecko Lizard
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: A group of cows in a grazing area in the Blue Nile State
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Camel loaded with bundles of hay
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A note based on personal accounts of a field book describing a series of animals and vegetation.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: A British man smoking a pipe while on a camel
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A short study of the Ethiopian Ant-Lion larva, a ferocious-appearing creature with a robust body, a very plump abdomen, and the thorax bearing three pairs of walking legs.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: A group of men surrounding an alligator and holding it in place.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Sudanese camel drivers
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: An article describing the methods of hunting the White Oryx in North-West Kordofan, Dongola and Darfur.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: An article on the Red Sea Ibex with physical description, habitat and diet.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Three men in a water swamp surrounded by grass. One of them is standing in the middle of the water holding up a cow's horn.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: A man riding a cow
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A series of notes including one describing a species of spiky caterpillars that in Azande are called 'Aketinake'
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A series of notes on witchcraft applied to animals including the story of the bewitched lions and the story of the bewitched leopard.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A group of camels in the Nyala camel market.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: Notes on the Food of Camels on the Red Sea Coast and in North Eastern Kordofan
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A group of men and camels sheltered beneath a tree on market day.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: Descriptions of birds and their habitats including several maps.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: A man sitting by a killed antelope
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: Review - A Systematic List Of The Birds Of The Ethiopian Region
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: A man on a camel's back at a deserted village
Country location: Sudan
Items: 234


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