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Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Moulid celebrations in Omdurman, filmed and edited by Ibrahim Snoop, drone filming by Monti.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Ismailya Sufis in El Obiad, Sudan, celebrate the birthday of the founder of their order, Ash-Shaikh Ismail Alwali ibn Abdullah ibn Ismail (1793-1863). The Ismailya Order was founded in 1821 AD (1241 H) and is the only genuine and original Sudanese Sufi order, as all the Sufi orders in Sudan were introduced by Shaikhs from outside the country. The Ismailyia Sufi Order is spread widely in North Kordofan, Ondurman, White Nile and in Northern States, with an estimated following of 25,000 people.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Tama Dancers perform 'You call me and I come to you' – a call to join in shared celebration. If you call me I will come – take me anywhere, except to war.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Archive maps and stills relating to the Battle of Omdurman.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Footage of the animal market and meat stalls in El Obeid.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Black and white and colour archive film of Omdurman, from the Durham University Archive. This film includes archival film clips from the Sudan Archive Durham, under the following copyrights: E. Hills-Young collection, Sudan Archive Durham SAD.633/7; E.L. Manton collection, Sudan Archive Durham SAD.794/11.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: A traditional wedding dance and song. Filmed at the reservoir gardens in El Obeid.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Asha Ali Mohamed Nour takes us through the preparation of Asida, a traditional Darfuri meal. Filmed at the Darfur Women's Museum in Nyala.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Nuba Dancers perform the Orma, a traditional, tribal dance. The songs of the dance are renewed yearly; each year they sit and come up with new songs and dance moves. The dancers are lead by Al-Saddig Saboun Abdalgadir Hassan, from Wali Soug, the head of the Popular Committees and Head of Folk Traditional Heritage Arts Association in the Ministry of Culture in El Obaid, Khordofan.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Jima Atin, aka 'Journain', a Dajo musician from Nyala, plays the flute (Imrara), accompanied by his sons (or grandsons) on drums.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Film of traditional potters working in Omdurman. Housed in an old British boot factory, the site now contains 7 potteries. Clay is brought from the River Nile, rested for a day and then puddled by foot. The pots are fired in a kiln for 4 hours They make Zias (water pots), plant pots, Canoons (cookers) and ablution jugs.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Birgid dancers perform Umgarado. A song about peace, calling on people to come together and love each other.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Darfur heroes. A profile of Fatima Mohamed Al Hazar, a champion of Darfur's culture and heritage, who founded the Darfur Women's Museum in Nyala and has devoted her life to protecting Darfur’s rich cultural heritage.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Jima Atin, aka 'Journain', a Dajo musician from Nyala, plays the Kordu/Kurbi and sings a traditional wedding song.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Women of the Birgid tribe weave coloured palms and decorate 'mandola' which are used to serve special meals. Filmed at a roadside market in Menawashe, North of Nyala.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Traditional shoe makers filmed in the Nyala souk.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Nuba dancers performing the Daro, which is danced for someone who has passed away.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Omda Mohammed Zacaria Ali Arbad, chief of the Dajo tribe, and the tribal historian Professor Abdu Nabi Abdullah Guma Arman talk about the Dajo tribe and the significance of Salbakate, a holy mountain for the Dajo, to the East of Nyala.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: A mix of black and white and colour archive film from the Sudan Archive at Durham University showing various scenes around El Fasher, including Bagarra nomads, market scenes, aircraft landing and a festival of games and dance. This film includes archival film clips from the Sudan Archive Durham, held under the following copyrights: E. Hills-Young collection, Sudan Archive Durham SAD.633/5; P.B.E. Acland collection, Sudan Archive Durham SAD. 709/6-7.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Black and white and colour archive film of Khartoum, from the Durham University Archive. This film includes archival film clips from the Sudan Archive Durham, under the following copyrights: E.L. Manton collection, Sudan Archive Durham SAD.794/11; E. Hills-Young collection, Sudan Archive Durham SAD.633/7; E.G. Sarsfield-Hall collection, Sudan Archive Durham SAD.650/6.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: A traditional dance (aka Jarrari) in which both the men and women imitate the courtship movements of doves. Filmed at the reservoir gardens in El Obeid.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: A video showing the traditional enthronement ceremony of a new Dajo chief in Khartoum.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Black and white and colour archive film of Khordofan, from the Durham University Archive. This film includes archival film clips from the Sudan Archive Durham, under the following copyright: E.F. Aglen collection, Sudan Archive Durham SAD.765/5.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Musician Al Amin Khalf Allah plays the oud, a fretless stringed instrument closely related to the guitar or lute, and sings a traditional song about the Battle of Kerreri. Shot at the Khalifa House in Omdurman.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: Archive film from the Durham University Archive showing a gathering of Nuba tribes people at Talodi in 1936. Spectacular scenes of dancing, wrestling and spear throwing. This film includes archival film clips from the Sudan Archive Durham, held under the following copyright: J.G. Mavrogordato, Sudan Archive Durham SAD.770/7.
Country location: Sudan
Items: 53


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