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Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Cattle returning from the wells. Segadi 1912.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Sir Henry Solomon 'photographic automatic kite trolley' aerial camera device used at Jebel Moya, Sudan.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: A man grinds with large pestles and mortars. Photo, circa 1920
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Guards outside Boulders House, Jebel Moya site, Sudan.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Wellcome showing camp party the special features of a natural reservoir at the summit of Jebel Saqadi, 1912.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Sudan: barbering, tooth-drawing and cupping being practised. Photograph, ca. 1920.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Skeleton with a rule to indicate length and orientation, and with number painted on rock: 464.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Khartoum Health Service: Sudanese men repairing buckets, Khartoum, Sudan. Photograph, ca. 1911.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Jebel Moya site, Sudan; the House of Boulders.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Watering cattle at Segadi Wells, 1912.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: A Sudanese man suffering from mental illness is restrained with a y-shaped piece of wood bolted around his neck, Sudan. Photograph, 1947.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Hauling a boulder at Jebel Moya, Sudan.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Wellcome Tropical Research laboratories were founded by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum in 1903. From 1913 until their closure in 1935, the laboratories were under the control of the government of Sudan.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Dr Oldham attending a patient in the hospital tent, Jebel Moya, Sudan.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Wellcome excavations in Sudan (Jebel Moya): H. Wellcome and his medical officer Dr Ray with a party of sheiks inspecting the excavations at Saqadi, 1913.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Wellcome excavations in Sudan (Jebel Moya): A & B. From photos taken by the 'kite camera' at Seqadi, 1913.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Wellcome excavations in Sudan (Jebel Moya): water carriers.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: A man, of markedly small stature, of the Nanos tribe.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Wellcome excavations in Sudan. Eastern end of one of the ruins uncovered at Saqadi, 1913 (Jebel Moya).
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Darfur, Sudan: two men collecting mud from a lake in a volcanic crater; the mud is sold for cooking and medicinal purposes. Photograph by W.H. Greany, 1939.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Sudan: barbering, tooth-drawing and cupping being practised. Photograph, ca. 1920.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Wellcome Tropical Research laboratories were founded by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum in 1903. From 1913 until their closure in 1935, the laboratories were under the control of the government of Sudan.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Aerial photography. Mr Barrett with the photo boys and ladder (Jebel Moya).
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Shallow well, with zeers (large clay water pots) in the background, Khartoum, Sudan. Photograph, 1903/1913.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Country location: Sudan
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Jebel Moya site, Sudan; Major Uribe in House of Boulders.
Country location: Sudan
Items: 52


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