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Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Photograph of the fifth session of the the Institute of Public Administration book-keeping centre
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: A letter from Al-Shankiti Muhammad Al-Maleeh the merchant to Muhammad Ahmed Al-Maleeh asking about the prices of dammuriya (cotton canvas) cloth and tea, among other things.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: A document verifying the sale of the book 'Al-Fatāwa al-Hindiyyah' (in six volumes), by Muhammad Ahmed Jalal al-Din to Sayyid Muhammad al-Tahir.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph of the exterior of the Bank of Sudan and Services building
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph of the exterior of the Bank of Sudan and Services building
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: This includes several different letters that: 1- clarify the legal amount for livestock zakat (mandatory charity money) 2- The zakat of the crops 3- The amount of zakat on minerals 4- Sheep and cattle in the neighborhood do not have zakat, but for the cattle, they are left for the worker who is required to collect the zakat 5- The fare to reach the treasury is left to the treasury 6- Zakat Al-Fitr 7- Zakat of the oils is taken from grains 8- The claims that existed before the arrival of the Mahdi in Omdurman are among the objectives.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A short note on the coinage of Ali Dinar, an emergency currency.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: The Coinage Of The Mahdi And The Khalifa from Sudan Notes And Records.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph of the front exterior of the Bank of Sudan and Services building
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Barclay's Bank headquarters
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: About the borrowing by Muhammad al-Khalifa and Muhammad al-Sadiq (aka Abu Shora) from Al-Haj Ahmed Muhammad 'Abdullah an amount of one hundred and four Majidi Riyals by way of murabaha (cost-plus) contract
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A short description of a series of coins found by the author at Sennar.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ismailabdallahmohammedyousif.ismailabdallahmohammedyousif
Description: Female university students have the highest percentage . Surveillance over hard currency is over. Al-ajaweed (arbitrators/mediators) are searching for a solution. The Fourth International Cultural Festival.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: A receipt note from Muhammad Muharram Abd al-Nabi verifying the receipt of one hundred and fifty piasters from Muhammad Ahmed Al-Maleeh witnessed by Muhammad 'Ali Al-Mahdi.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph of the front exterior of the Bank of Sudan and Services building
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph taken at the budget office during the farewell for Abdalhameed Ahmed
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: A record book belonging to Ahmed Muhammad Al-Maleeh regarding merchandise and other kinds of business transactions.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: S.C.Dunn, 'Native Gold Washings In The Nuba Mountains Province'
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: This document verifies the sale of the woman Al-Jazz Muhammad Ba'ashom to Muhammad Abu Faq the half of the she-donkey which they co-own for an amount of one and a half Riyals in the presence of the witnesses: Ahmed Muhammad Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad Salih Abu Shumaylah and Abdullah Muhammad Abd al-Wahhab
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: A record book of Ahmed Muhammad Al-Maleeh.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: The document certifies the receipt by the fakkir Ahmed Nur al-Dayim of a shipment of twenty four qintars of gum Arabic and ninety six pounds of ivory in the presence of a number of witnesses
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: A letter from Tawfeeq Hammad from Wad Madani to Muhammad Ahmed Al-Maleeh regarding business issues.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A Roman Coin Of The Emperor Diocletian At El Obeid
Country location: Sudan
Collection: ismailabdallahmohammedyousif.ismailabdallahmohammedyousif
Description: A returnee from Libya. Khartoum witnesses the largest gathering of Arab Ministers of Finance, A victory which has never been achieved before in Sudan's sports history.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This summary contains a series of historical legislative assembly events that occurred in Sudan between Monday 28th April and Saturday 3rd of May 1952.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: Back Matter including adverts for Industrial Bank of Sudan, Sudan Commercial Bank, Gellatly, Hankey & Co. LTD., Mobil, and offprint information for the journal.
Country location: Sudan
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph of the exterior of the Sudanese National Bank and Services building
Country location: Sudan
Collection: nilevalleyuniversity.nilevalleyuniversity
Description: A bill of exported spices.
Country location: Sudan
Items: 39


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