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Collection: pittriversmuseum.edwardevanevanspritchard
Description: A man (identified as Ojo) having his hair dressed by another who is crouching behind him. Spears are stuck in the ground beside them and an antelope skin is stretched out behind.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: pittriversmuseum.edwardevanevanspritchard
Description: A profile portrait of a boy (identified as 'tame Makana', a younger brother of Makana) wearing a metal bead neck ornament.
Country location: South Sudan
Collection: pittriversmuseum.edwardevanevanspritchard
Description: A head-and-shoulders rear view of a man wearing a bead necklace (given to him by Evans-Pritchard) with an overcoat hung as a backdrop. The man is identified as Dal, Evans-Pritchard's chief informant among the Ingessana.
Country location: South Sudan
Items: 3


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