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Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: A military campaign book written during the Second World War. The Abyssinian Campaigns were fought in East Africa during the Second World War by the Allies, mainly from the British Empire, against Italy and its colony in Italian East Africa, between June 1940 and November 1941.
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph showing soldiers performing the Gargol of honor (a military salute and a parade) at the farewell of the Director-General Hamid Al Fadul
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: The entrance of an official building with two cannons in the front
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph of two soldiers: Shareef Shamam and his colleague
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph showing President Marshal Jaffar Nimeiry shaking hands with officers from the artillery forces during his visit to Atbara in his first year of presidency
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: The Administrative secretary during the inspection process of the national guards in the city of Al-Damr
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph of a Sudanese solider from the artillery forces
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph showing the performance the Gargol of honor (a military salute and a parade) at the farewell of the Director-General Hamid Al Fadul
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: A brick house with a cannon and a wagon at the front.
Collection: ismailabdallahmohammedyousif.ismailabdallahmohammedyousif
Description: New Hawwa at the College of Advanced Nursing: more buildings are required to accommodate more students. The role of women in battlefields.
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph of a Sudanese male recruit from the artillery weapon branch in Atbara
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph of Shanan delivering a speech in Atbara Municipality Square.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.newspapers
Description: The Sudan Times celebrates its first anniversary. Egyptian weapons arrive in Khartoum. Ban on sheep export lifted. Minister assures Gezira Tenants their demands are being considered.
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph taken at the farewell ceremony of the Administrative Secretary at the city of Al-Damr
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: Sudan Weapons
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Photograph from the reception of the Military ruler Muhammad Al-Mahdi Hamid.
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: The Military Governor Mohammed Al-Hadi Hamed with Al-Awad Hamid, Abd Al-Rahman Mahjoub and the director of the directorate
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Musketry drill at Jebel Keile, Sennar Province
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: The No.2 position officers in the artillery forces department in the city of Atbara
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Photograph of the graduation of a batch of recruits of the Atbara artillery forces
Collection: pittriversmuseum.lebennelsonmoro
Description: Burnt huts at Bur village in the Shilluk kingdom. The destruction was carried out by pro-government Nuer militia under Gabriel Tany-Giny in 2005 after the local leader Cam Ocol transferred his allegiance from the Sudanese government to the SPLA under John Garang. This incident demonstrates the difficulty of representing the conflict in Sudan in simple north/south terms, since the reality on the ground has often been far more complex.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.lebennelsonmoro
Description: Soldiers of the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army marching at Malakal football stadium during the ceremonies held there in July 2006 to mark the first anniversary of the death of John Garang.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.lebennelsonmoro
Description: A Sudan Peoples Liberation Army tank entering Juba in December 2005.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.percycoriat
Description: Old Turkish fort with soldiers at El Obeid.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.percycoriat
Description: Old Turkish fort (Muduria) with soldiers at El Obeid.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A full length portrait of a soldier of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium authority (1899-1955) holding a rifle and wearing a tunic uniform and hat with regimental plume, with a woman wearing a European-style dress standing next to him.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.lebennelsonmoro
Description: Soldiers of the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army marching at Malakal football stadium during the ceremonies held there in July 2006 to mark the first anniversary of the death of John Garang.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.percycoriat
Description: Portrait of Percy Coriat in uniform, at the King's Day parade at El Obeid in 1934.
Items: 227


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