
Search results:

Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Architectural buildings near water
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Areal view of Khartoum
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Guard Hotel in Khartoum
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Grand street leading to the Omdurman market and the mosque
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Gordon Hotel
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Two men building a fence using mortar, a village in Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: The entrance of an official building with two cannons in the front
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Buildings and male figures
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Omdurman fortress built with mud walls to repel the attack of Kitchener Pasha's army.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Straw huts (Gatati) and trees in a village, White Nile State.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: A brick house with a cannon and a wagon at the front.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Houses next to a road
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Building
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Atbara Railway Headquarter Offices
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Wooden waterwheel structure over water
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Gordon Memorial College
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Lighthouse in Suakin eastern Sudan
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Abu Simbel Temple
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: City buildings
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Atbara Stores Dept. Loading Platform

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