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Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A poster about the Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah and using her as a wasila (means) to Allah.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Mosque of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah in Suakin
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of the sharifa/ Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. Preparations for the camel race.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah: a group of subcommittee members discussing the details of preparing for the occasion.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A group of people outside the shrine waiting for their turn to enter.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. An old man looking at the horizon in expectation of the arrival of new comers. He is covering his head with a turban to avoid the scorching rays of the sun.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A group of subcommittee members discussing the details of preparing for the occasion.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A woman wearing a zumam (nose ring) looking on admiringly at the great crowds arriving for the ceremony.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. Very young children in traditional garments reciting Quran and sitting on a birsh (traditional rug made of palm tree fronds) inside the khalwa (Quranic school in Sudan).
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah: a poster about the lineage of the Mirghanis
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. Older children in traditional garments reciting Quran and sitting on a birsh (traditional rug made of palm tree fronds).
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam: swords in their sheaths displayed for sale on the ground.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. Children in traditional garments reciting Quran from mushafs, sitting on birshs (traditional rugs) inside the khalwa.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam. A huge crowd of men wearing traditional clothes and praying before the shrine.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam. A man using a microphone near the shrine; on this occasion, many chanters perform and some give sermons on good deeds.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam. A group from the Bija tribes in their traditional garments riding camels and carrying swords; feeling proud to participate in the ceremony.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A group of men listening to a religious chanter, and it is evident that they are moved by the chants.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. On the stage appear a group of men representing the Higher Committee with Sheikh Sirr al-Khatim addressing the masses.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A group of people in traditional garments near a tent erected to shelter visitors from the heat.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. The shrine of Sharifah Maryam at night.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A woman wearing traditional garments and covering her face (except for her eyes); her garments reveals that she is of a high social class and she is literate.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A poster about the Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah (in 1936 she gave birth to Sayyid Muhammad Sirr-Al-Khatim).

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