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Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a blacksmith from Tanqasi who had helped me repair the springs of my off-road vehicle. When it came to shortening a large spring from a minibus, he had just made a small fireplace in his yard in front of the veranda of his house and forged the spring without further ado.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of the mechanic of the Sesebi ferry, smoking a cigarette during a break. On his left forearm he has a gold-plated wristwatch. As the barrels in front of him contain diesel, there is no danger of explosion.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a youngster from South Sudan in Khartoum
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a man from Fungor* The Fungor*or Fungs are an ethnic group of Sudan. Several thousand members of this ethnic group live in Sudan. They speak Fungor, a Benue-Congo language. Their state of origin is South Kurdufan.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Looking through the photos on my laptop in Niaro in the evening before going to bed.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a man from Fungor. He owns a part of the village with several houses. Somehow you can just see the superiority and peace that result from this
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a young man sitting together with other people under a Rakuba in Fungor. As there are no state institutions in the small Nuba villages and thus no police or similar, the men, especially the former SPLA fighters, often carry their weapons, which they still have from the civil war.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: On certain occasions, for example funerals, the Nuba make a cry that is supposed to imitate the roar of lions
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a man and two young boys at a shop on the way to the Nuba Mountains
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a young man whom I met in Abu Hashim. He was there on his way to Khartoum. Unfortunately, I can't remember where he came from. In any case, the tattoos on his face are very interesting. The glow in his eyes comes from the fact that my white Landcruiser is reflected in them.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of driver Omar during a stop at Delgo market
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a seller of locally made tobacco at the market in Juba
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a man from Delgo at the market. Taken during a stop on a tour to the North
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a man from Delgo at the market. Taken during a stop on a tour to the North
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a friendly old gentleman I met in the Nuba Mountains
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: The Nuba men usually carry their weapons with them at all times, not only the former SPLA fighters…
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of two farmers from Karima Tehet. They are sitting in the shade of an old store in front of which an irrigation canal for the palm groves flows.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of the mechanics during the repair of my Landcruiser in Khartoum
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: One day in Khartoum, when I was taking my car to the workshop, I happened to meet Ahmed, who was waiting in a neighbouring workshop in the Montega for the completion of the repair of his car. suddenly a violin player came, joined the waiting people and started playing his violin. You can tell Ahmed is hardly amused by this.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of the guard of the Cushite cemetery of el-Kurru in his courtyard in the village of el-Kurru. He is standing in front of the wreckage of his old taxi, which he always wanted to restore, but which apparently never happened. In the foreground a hibiscus plant with red flowers.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Group portrait of the drivers who work for Ahmed el-Tayeb in the tourism business and with whom I also often worked on my tourist tours between 2003 and 2010. From left to right: Ahmed, Pierre, the director of a French travel agency, Osman, me, Mohammed, Amir, Hamdan and Ibrahim.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: At funeral ceremonies, the Nuba men shoot a salute into the air to salute the deceased
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: When I went to Fungor, I met this old man sitting in front of the village working on palm leaves for a fence. When you are old, you don't need so much jewellery. He just wears a pearl necklace with a talisman.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of an old farmer from Dar el-Arab
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of an employee from the Juba Hotel in Juba
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a young man from Niaro. He is sitting on the edge of an angareb smoking a cigarette and drinking Marisa, a traditional, locally produced beer. On the right side of the angareb is a portable radio. Besides a digital watch and the European clothes that the Nuba usually get from international aid supplies, he wears his traditional utensils, for example, the knife on his upper left arm and a bracelet with talismans on his upper right arm. His head is covered by a plastic hat he borrowed from his wife. It is impossible for a Nuba to be photographed without headgear.
Items: 26


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