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Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: Strand of beads used for glorifying God and made from 1000 stones from the fruits of the soap berry tree.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: Traditional water container made of leather, dating back to the Mahdia era.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: A dress inspired by eastern heritage designed in 1940 from dammur (cotton canvas).
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: Jewellery worn around the neck of the groom at jartig (a traditional ritualistic wedding ceremony) always black.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: Decoration usually made of silver and worn by girls around the ankles.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: A photo of Saadia El Salahi with her collection.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: A women's jallabiyah (gown).
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: Leather case or container with seashell decoration.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: Decorative ornament made of iron for horses and from silver for brides; it has various uses, as it can be worn as a necklace or as an earring, it is a type of accessory, and it is part of the heritage of Sudan at large.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: ? a broken piece of an ornamented bowl used for serving food on special occasions. It is also used for preparing dilkah (traditional perfumed scrubbing pulp) for brides.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: Jewellery worn around the neck at jartig (a traditional ritualistic small family party on the first day of the wedding after the main ceremony is over), always black.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: Saadia El Salahi's collection of traditional costumes, including her own fashion designs, and traditional objects.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: A sayf (sword) with a sheath of leather and silver - from the heritage of eastern Sudan.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: Wooden container, used for preserving traditional perfumes materials such as mahlab and sandalwood.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: A necklace of colourful little beads (suksuk).
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: Jewellery worn around the neck or the arm for protection against evil eyes and envy.

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