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Collection: pittriversmuseum.lebennelsonmoro
Description: Women in the streets of Malakal during the ceremonies held there in July 2006 to mark the first anniversary of the death of John Garang.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.percycoriat
Description: A large pond created after the rains in the foreground, with the old Turkish fort at El Obeid beyond.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.wilfredpatrickthesiger
Description: A portrait of a girl near a homestead seated on a mat made from bound reeds, with a large pottery vessel in front of her.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A group portrait of a man, woman and three children standing in front of a hut.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.lebennelsonmoro
Description: A school shelter in Pariak village, for returned Internally Displaced Persons.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.lebennelsonmoro
Description: A mobile library in Juba, gift of the Petronas company to the people of southern Sudan.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A formal portrait of a Beja Hadendoa sheikh identified as Musa Bey, holding a rosary and walking staff.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A portrait of a man seated on a deckchair, identified as Kok (also known as Ajayich) who was an Atuot by birth, but who had lived since childhood with maternal kin in Mandari. As a doctor of powers he practicised locally, divining in the case of possession and advising in matters spiritual. He is wearing a thick ivory arm ornament, which at that time was a prestigious object worn by wealthy people.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A full length group portrait of two men in uniforms of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium authority (1899-1955) wearing a belted tunic and a hat with regimental plume, two women in floral European-style dresses standing beside them. Both men have their heads turned half away from the camera, perhaps a military style.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.edwardevanevanspritchard
Description: A head-and-shoulders rear view of a man wearing a bead necklace (given to him by Evans-Pritchard) with an overcoat hung as a backdrop. The man is identified as Dal, Evans-Pritchard's chief informant among the Ingessana.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A full length portrait of a Zande binza or witchdoctor standing beside a hut, wearing rattles, skins, medicines and other attire of the corporation.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A group of four fishermen sitting around their nets, possibly mending holes. Beyond, boats can be seen moored at the bank of the Nile, with fish hanging out to dry.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A herd of cattle swimming across the Nile at Terakeka. The crossing was done on one day soon after the rains began by those who kept their herds on river islands during the dry season.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.lebennelsonmoro
Description: A meeting of the Episcopal church of Malakal during the visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.lebennelsonmoro
Description: A man grinding grain such as sorghum at Pariak.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: Full length portrait of a child slave in Khartoum.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: An arrangement of seven Zande throwing knives, four of which are of the same type, two more being somewhat similar, and another of a different type being a long curved blade with a thicker end. It is possible that Buchta collected a number of Zande objects on his brief expedition to this part of Sudan.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.edwardevanevanspritchard
Description: A man described by Evans-Pritchard as an 'Anuak-Nuer' i.e. of mixed parentage, casting a fishing net into a river, probably the Sobat River near the wood station also photographed on the same film.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.wilfredpatrickthesiger
Description: View of two men wrestling during a funeral ceremony.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: A gift from the family of Shurooq film to Ibrahim Al-Salahi.
Collection: saadiaelsalahi.saadiaelsalahi
Description: A photo of Saadia El Salahi with her collection.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Girls attending Griselda's art class in the purpose built studio at the girls secondary school, Amarat.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.thekhartoumschool
Description: Osman Wagialla (1925-2007) graduated from the School of Design, Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum, in 1945. He then studied at the Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts in London, UK, and after this studied calligraphy in Cairo under the master Sayyid Muhammed Ibrahim. After completing his studies, Wagialla moved back to Sudan in the early 1950s, where he taught at the College of Fine and Applied Art of the Sudan University of Science and Technology. Wagialla is one of the founders of the Arabic Hurufiyya and the Khartoum School art movements. Many of his students in Sudan, such as Shibrain, El-Salahi and Taj el-Sir Ahmed, joined him in the task of creating a new Sudanese modernist art movement. Rather than letters, Wagialla relied in his works on texts (Quranic and poetic), seeing that form and content are inseparable parts of Arabic writing, and defining Arabic calligraphy as the art of ‘fourth dimension’. His works are included among the collections of many international institutions of art. Wagialla died in 2007.
Description: Photographic portrait of a Rabbi and his family in western dress.
Description: Table of partygoers in western style black tie at the Jewish Recreational Club.
Items: 3525


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