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Collection: pittriversmuseum.percycoriat
Description: Man (identified as George Bredin) dressed as Father Christmas.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A portrait of a man seated on a deckchair, identified as Kok (also known as Ajayich) who was an Atuot by birth, but who had lived since childhood with maternal kin in Mandari. As a doctor of powers he practicised locally, divining in the case of possession and advising in matters spiritual. He is wearing a thick ivory arm ornament, which at that time was a prestigious object worn by wealthy people.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A full length portrait of a Zande binza or witchdoctor standing beside a hut, wearing rattles, skins, medicines and other attire of the corporation.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.wilfredpatrickthesiger
Description: View of two men wrestling during a funeral ceremony.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: The mourners, who accompany the traditional funeral ceremonies with hour-long funeral dirges, are an ancient tradition that was already depicted on ancient Egyptian and Cushite reliefs.
Items: 145


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