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Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: Two stories sent to the journal for publication, one of Sheikh Mohammed El Tom Talha of the Semania Tarika, the other of Munkil Kheiralla, Nazir of the Shanabla Tribe
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: The Midoub Mountains region is located on the northern side of North Darfur State and adjacent to the Libyan-Sudanese border. It is a dry semi-desert area with monsoon rains. Koso is at the Libyan-Sudanese border, on the Southern side, the Abu Qur'an Mountains, on the Western side, the Tika Mountains, and on the Eastern side, the Tigro Mountains.
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: The fable of Abu el Husseini the fox.
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A piece of correspondence relating to W.I.Cheesman's census superstition work.
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: An article recording Arabic nursery rhymes obtained from schoolboys at Gordon College.
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A study of superstitions about the white-spotted gecko lizard with photographs and notes on its habits.
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: Fables including 'Blindness' and 'The Soothsayer'.
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A paper based on the work of Sheil 'Abdullahi 'Abd al-Rahman, and studies in a large part on the connection between modern dialect and classical language in Arabic.
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A note explaining the origins of Hamad Wad Um Tunko
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: Some Nuba Ideas
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: An article relating the legend of Jebel Arashkol as told by Nazir Ismail Dud of the Dueih Tribe.
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: Manners, customs and beliefs of the Northern Bega
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A portrait of a man seated on a deckchair, identified as Kok (also known as Ajayich) who was an Atuot by birth, but who had lived since childhood with maternal kin in Mandari. As a doctor of powers he practicised locally, divining in the case of possession and advising in matters spiritual. He is wearing a thick ivory arm ornament, which at that time was a prestigious object worn by wealthy people.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A full length portrait of a Zande binza or witchdoctor standing beside a hut, wearing rattles, skins, medicines and other attire of the corporation.
Collection: ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage.ajrasalhuriyyaculturalpage
Description: The cultural segment contains: folk stories, poetry, material culture, beliefs, riddles and music

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