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Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Ruined house at Suakin in 1974.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: An archeological site
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: A photograph of an item from Dr. Sadar Al Deen's archaeological collection
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Boys receiving their wages, camp at Jebel Moya, Sudan.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Plan of the ground and the first floors (north face) of Sayed el Safi's eight houses on plots 220-226 at Suakin. See Greenlaw 1967. (Pgs. 57, 59.).
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.suakin
Description: The old Egypt National Bank in Suakin, Sudan.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Taj el Sir Mosque in Suakin. See category GRE P140.02.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: General view of Geyf (mainland) from the balcony of Muhafaza in 1974
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Sudan Hotel in Khartoum.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Suakin and Shafai Mosque. See category GRE P071.01.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Methods of corbelling over corners in Suakin houses. See Greenlaw 1976. Pg. 92.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Archaeological photographs of ancient Halfa and its landscapes.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.edwardscollection
Description: Jebel Moya, drawing water from a well.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Arch of Maga'a'd in Beit el Basha, Suakin. See category GRE P081.01.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Columns and the Elephant Protome on the Terrace of the Great Enclosure of Musawwarat, looking North from the centre of the terrace
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Panorama with Jebel Barkal and the Kushite temples. On the right you see the fore court of the great temple of Amun B500, on the left the so-called "pinnacle" and the hemi speos B300 in front of it.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Photo of Tim Kendall documenting the inscriptions on the freshly excavated columns in the palace of the Kushite king Aspelta - a dusty affair. In the background is El-Hassan from the Sudanese Heritage Department, supervising the excavations.
Items: 577


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