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Collection: rihabbaidastudionyala.rihabbaidastudionyala
Description: The Baggara [cattle-breeders] , Tulus Locality, South Darfur State.
Collection: rihabbaidastudionyala.rihabbaidastudionyala
Description: Jabal Marra, Birkat Al-Feel Water Reservoir.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.lebennelsonmoro
Description: Local Nuer fishermen at Zurzur village.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A group of men working inside a boat moored at the riverbank. Other images show that these men are part of a group of fishermen on the Nile.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.godfreylienhardt
Description: A group of women at a Dinka fishing camp on the banks of the river, with large baskets and traps visible.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.edwardevanevanspritchard
Description: A male youth gathering eleusine coracana (millet) into a basket (type known as bangiribambamba, with eye-shaped open weave). This crop was once the most important base for porridge and beer, but has been displaced to some extent by manioc, a highly drought and pest resistant tuber, which is however somewhat less nutritious than flour produced from grain such as eleusine.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A portrait of a woman sitting on a log, picking groundnuts off a plant and placing them in a pot. Since groundnuts were harvested in August and September, this suggests that this image was taken during Buxton's fieldwork in western Mandari.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A group of four fishermen sitting around their nets, possibly mending holes. Beyond, boats can be seen moored at the bank of the Nile, with fish hanging out to dry.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.lebennelsonmoro
Description: A man grinding grain such as sorghum at Pariak.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.edwardevanevanspritchard
Description: A man described by Evans-Pritchard as an 'Anuak-Nuer' i.e. of mixed parentage, casting a fishing net into a river, probably the Sobat River near the wood station also photographed on the same film.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Several cattle watering at a waterhole in one of the village yards of Niaro in the Nuba Mountains. It is amazing how beautifully the different shades of brown harmonise with each other and blend naturally with the shades of clay and sand.
Items: 459


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