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Collection: universityofkhartoum.sudannotesandrecords
Description: A piece on the life Charles de Foucauld, a general responsible for a large part of French colonial expansion in North Africa.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.colonialarchitecturalheritage
Description: Colonial building in Sudan. Remnants of the colonial experience in Sudan from the Ottoman, Egyptian and British periods.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: The Khartoum Post Office, located along Gamma Avenue, Khartoum, opened in 1873. The building, constructed of large sandstone blocks and featuring Crittall steel-framed windows from the UK, remained in use as a post office until 2013, when it was closed for restoration.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.colonialarchitecturalheritage
Description: Colonial building in Sudan. Remnants of the colonial experience in Sudan from the Ottoman, Egyptian and British periods.
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: The anti-colonial front procession
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Judiciary of Sudan building, Gamma Avenue, Khartoum. Also known as the Supreme Court, the building features a colonial façade and houses the highest judicial authority in Sudan, apart from the Constitutional Court.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A full length portrait of a soldier of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium authority (1899-1955) holding a rifle and wearing a tunic uniform and hat with regimental plume, with a woman wearing a European-style dress standing next to him.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A portrait of a European, probably English, couple sitting at a laid table in a spacious open-sided rectilinear building, with two dogs waiting for scraps below.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.percycoriat
Description: Portrait of Percy Coriat in uniform, at the King's Day parade at El Obeid in 1934.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.percycoriat
Description: Man (identified as George Bredin) dressed as Father Christmas.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A full length portrait of a soldier of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium authority (1899-1955) holding a rifle and wearing a tunic uniform and hat with regimental plume, with a woman in an Arab-style body cloth standing next to him holding a baby, with a small child between them. Perhaps this is his wife and children?
Collection: pittriversmuseum.jeanbuxton
Description: A full length group portrait of two men in uniforms of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium authority (1899-1955) wearing a belted tunic and a hat with regimental plume, two women in floral European-style dresses standing beside them. Both men have their heads turned half away from the camera, perhaps a military style.

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