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Collection: riftvalleyinstitute.southsudannationalarchivescollection
Description: The making of a community based organization.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.souqalmanasis
Description: Souq al-Manasis, also called Souq al-Murein, is a famous barbecue souq at al-Geneina Bus Station in northwest Nyala, South Darfur. Since these images were taken in 2004, Nyala city has expanded. Souq al-Manasis is no longer located on Nyala’s outskirts and is now located within a built up urban surrounding.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.collagecity
Description: Domestic life in the outskirts of Port Sudan, eastern province of the Red Sea, populated by the Beja tribe. Utensils for cooking and materials used for the construction of the habitats, showing the way people can live.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Transporting water in Al-sien and carrying it on donkeys' backs .
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.souqalmanasis
Description: Souq al-Manasis, also called Souq al-Murein, is a famous barbecue souq at al-Geneina Bus Station in northwest Nyala, South Darfur. Since these images were taken in 2004, Nyala city has expanded. Souq al-Manasis is no longer located on Nyala’s outskirts and is now located within a built up urban surrounding.
Collection: abrihouseofheritage.abrihouseofheritage
Description: A woman carrying a water bottle on her head
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.souqalmanasis
Description: Souq al-Manasis, also called Souq al-Murein, is a famous barbecue souq at al-Geneina Bus Station in northwest Nyala, South Darfur. Since these images were taken in 2004, Nyala city has expanded. Souq al-Manasis is no longer located on Nyala’s outskirts and is now located within a built up urban surrounding.
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: Three smiling men standing side by side in a market, one holding a melon.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.collagecity
Description: Domestic life in the outskirts of Port Sudan, eastern province of the Red Sea, populated by the Beja tribe. Tools for making cooking utensils and materials used for the construction of the habitats, showing the way people can live.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.souqalmanasis
Description: Souq al-Manasis, also called Souq al-Murein, is a famous barbecue souq at al-Geneina Bus Station in northwest Nyala, South Darfur. Since these images were taken in 2004, Nyala city has expanded. Souq al-Manasis is no longer located on Nyala’s outskirts and is now located within a built up urban surrounding.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.magazines
Description: Topics: 1- Editorial 2- Nationalism 3- Lifting the curtain 4- Our righteous ancestors 5- Poem collection of the week 6- The running river 7 - On the claims of women's freedom 8- Reality 9- Piastres and Story of the Week
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: Sudan, Coffee Roaster.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.collagecity
Description: Domestic life in the outskirts of Port Sudan, eastern province of the Red Sea, populated by the Beja tribe. Tools for making cooking utensils and materials used for the construction of the habitats, showing the way people can live.
Collection: abrihouseofheritage.abrihouseofheritage
Description: A man slaughters a lamb, two others help him
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.collagecity
Description: Domestic life in the outskirts of Port Sudan, eastern province of the Red Sea, populated by the Beja tribe. Tools for making cooking and materials used for the construction of the habitats, showing the way people can live.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.souqalmanasis
Description: Souq al-Manasis, also called Souq al-Murein, is a famous barbecue souq at al-Geneina Bus Station in northwest Nyala, South Darfur. Since these images were taken in 2004, Nyala city has expanded. Souq al-Manasis is no longer located on Nyala’s outskirts and is now located within a built up urban surrounding.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.souqalmanasis
Description: Souq al-Manasis, also called Souq al-Murein, is a famous barbecue souq at al-Geneina Bus Station in northwest Nyala, South Darfur. Since these images were taken in 2004, Nyala city has expanded. Souq al-Manasis is no longer located on Nyala’s outskirts and is now located within a built up urban surrounding.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.collagecity
Description: Domestic life in the outskirts of Port Sudan, eastern province of the Red Sea, populated by the Beja tribe.
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: Man taking rest under shade of a tree on river hillside
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.films
Description: A mix of black and white and colour archive film from the Sudan Archive at Durham University showing various scenes around El Fasher, including Bagarra nomads, market scenes, aircraft landing and a festival of games and dance. This film includes archival film clips from the Sudan Archive Durham, held under the following copyrights: E. Hills-Young collection, Sudan Archive Durham SAD.633/5; P.B.E. Acland collection, Sudan Archive Durham SAD. 709/6-7.
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: Sudan, Nilote Sudanese
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.souqalmanasis
Description: Souq al-Manasis, also called Souq al-Murein, is a famous barbecue souq at al-Geneina Bus Station in northwest Nyala, South Darfur. Since these images were taken in 2004, Nyala city has expanded. Souq al-Manasis is no longer located on Nyala’s outskirts and is now located within a built up urban surrounding.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A manuscript of lessons on creed, beliefs, the merit of asceticism, the virtue of the months of Rajab, Sha'ban, Dhu Al-Hijjah and especially the first ten days, supplication and good deeds, repentance to Allah and respect for death, abandoning backbiting and preserving tongues.
Collection: abrihouseofheritage.abrihouseofheritage
Description: Two women dying their hands and feet (with henna) one child watches and an old woman eats
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Sudan: a man grinding with a large pestle and mortar. Photograph, ca. 1920.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.souqalmanasis
Description: Souq al-Manasis, also called Souq al-Murein, is a famous barbecue souq at al-Geneina Bus Station in northwest Nyala, South Darfur. Since these images were taken in 2004, Nyala city has expanded. Souq al-Manasis is no longer located on Nyala’s outskirts and is now located within a built up urban surrounding.
Collection: ismailabdallahmohammedyousif.ismailabdallahmohammedyousif
Description: Active political and economic movements. Sudanese women are accused of misusing telephones. Why are there so many accidents in the southern part of al-Qasr street? Female students and public buses problems.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.souqalmanasis
Description: Souq al-Manasis, also called Souq al-Murein, is a famous barbecue souq at al-Geneina Bus Station in northwest Nyala, South Darfur. Since these images were taken in 2004, Nyala city has expanded. Souq al-Manasis is no longer located on Nyala’s outskirts and is now located within a built up urban surrounding.
Items: 86


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