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Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Silhouettes of people standing on the bridge, two waving flags.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Two protesters demonstrating for a civilian government, one with a Sudanese flag in his hand during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Silhoutte of a woman.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Longer wall painting with purple backdrop of people making a barricade, two holding hands. Most likely unfinished when picture was taken.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Coloured mosaic of two men holding the Sudanese flag high. Crowds standing with them in black colour.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Painted on the pavement: Hand showing victory sign with an eye in the palm of the hand.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Wall painting by Galal.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Arabic writing. Backdrop: Colours of the old Sudanese flag. In front protesters painted as black shadows with the old flag.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Painted on wall: Abstract painting with ladies holding a plaque with colloquial Arabic words (translated as: We will sure build the country we dream of every day) cited from a popular song by the late Sudanese militant poet Mahjoub sharif; there are also some plants and a captured crocodile hanging from strings.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: During the peaceful protests in April and May 2019, car with several words written in Arabic on papers.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Painting on wall of protester, woman with a tob (traditional Sudanese dress) in the colours of the former Sudanese flag and the current Sudanese flag in her hand, two soldiers, one holding his machine gun as if he is joining into the protests.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Mural by Alaa Satir around a window. Two people with birds.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Birds and slogan of the revolution (Freedom, Peace and Justice) written in Arabic .
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Arabic writing on the wall "Freedom, Peace, Justice" with a pistol and victory sign.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Details of long wall painting with writing in Arabic.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Ramadan meal in front of the military headquarters during the peaceful protests in May 2019.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Faces of martyrs killed in protests between December 2018 and April 2019.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum: Abstract bird with colours of the flag.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Painted on pavement: Big machine gun and writing in English: BLOOD IS BLOOD, also writing in Arabic "Either a civilian government or an everlasting revolution
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Abstract geometrical painted persons, some with traditional Sufi clothing. Grey, white and black used as paints.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019 picturing the train arriving with protestors from Atbara.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Hand pointing like a gun with colourful ornaments. Birds flying and leaves are falling.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Painted on the pavement: Hot-air balloon with Arabic writing saying: courage, determination, sacrifice
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Wall painted with "wanted" and names in Arabic.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Protester carrying martyr while making the victory sign. Picture painted onto the pavement.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Painting with a black backdrop of women holding a lamp, plants and a moon.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019. Part of a painting picturing an eye. Inside the eye ball is the outline of the Sudan map and inside the map is the skyline of Khartoum with birds flying and a protestor making a victory sign.
Collection: sudanmemorydigitisation.2019sudanrevolutionstreetart
Description: Street art in Khartoum during the peaceful protests in April and May 2019 in the style of Graffiti artist Banksy. Man throwing a floral bouquet in the colours of the old Sudanese flag.
Items: 61
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