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Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: General view of Suakin Island town.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Plan of Wakala (Caravanserai) at Suakin. See Greenlaw 1976. Pg. 76.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Aerial views on the Suakin Island in 1930 from the Royal Air Force (RAF). See Cat. No. GRE P116.01.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Fishing boats in Suakin.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Sketch of the door of Khorshid Effendi's extension from the 19th Century. See Greenlaw 1967. (Pg. 115.). Also see Cat. No. GRE P045.01. Photograph taken: February 1975.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Sketch of the side (north) and front (west) elevations of Sharifa Miriam's house No. 65. on the island of Suakin. See Greenlaw 1967. (Pg. 41-2). Also see Cat. Nos. GRE P023.04 and GRE P024.01.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Ruined house at Suakin in 1974.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Ruins of a house in Suakin.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Plasterwork of Khorshid's interior. See category GRE P207.01.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Section showing method of building Suakin houses. See Greenlaw 1976. Pg. 89. Also see Cat. No. GRE P127.01.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Interlocking Islamic three fold designs in Suakin. Photograph taken: May 1979.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.edwardscollection
Description: The interior of the House of Boulders with its drain.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Shish panels from head of Roshan of House No. 273 in Suakin. See Greenlaw 1976, page 126, and categories GRE S005.15, 16 and 22.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Shishwork of Roshan tops (casement windows) at Suakin. See Greenlaw 1976. Pg. 108.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Ruins of House No. 178 at Suakin in 1974.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Wooden 1:200 scale model of Suakin Island made by J.P. Greenlaw.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Sketch of the inside of a house.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Views of Suakin with Hanafi Mosque and Gordon's Gate. See category GRE P073.01.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: North-East side of Shennawi Bey's House No. 163 in Suakin. See Greenlaw 1976. Page 34.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Wooden 1:200 scale model of Suakin Island made by J.P. Greenlaw. Model in parts. See category GRE P085.04.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Ruins of a house in Suakin.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Door-hood carved in stone at Suakin in 1974.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: South-East Suakin Island
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Plan and north elevation of Khorshid Effendi's house at Suakin. See Greenlaw 1967. (Pg. 27).
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Wooden 1:200 scale model of Suakin Island made by J.P. Greenlaw.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: Entrance to Sharifa Miriam's House at Suakin in 1974.
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.edwardscollection
Description: Station signal box
Collection: sudanarchaeologicalresearchsociety.greenlawcollection
Description: House No. 22 of Mohammed Bey Ahmed at Suakin in 1974.
Items: 412


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