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Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A madih (religious performer/eulogizer) using a microphone.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A group of men listening to a religious chanter, and it is evident that they are moved by the chants. Some are also exchanging greetings with newcomers.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A group of men listening to a religious chanter, and it is evident that they are moved by the chants.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A group of men listening to a religious chanter and they are so moved by the chants.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A group of men listening to a religious chanter, and it is evident that they are moved by the chants.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A group of men in their traditional garments listening to a religious chanter. It is evident from their facial expressions that they are moved by the chants.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Mosque of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah in Suakin
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A group of people outside the shrine waiting for their turn to enter.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. A group of men listening to a religious chanter, and it is evident that they are moved by the chants.

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