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Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Etienne Square, El Gamhuriya Street, Khartoum’s old downtown. The square contains a number of traditional Sudan and African craft stores, it is considered a gathering place for writers, artists, intellectuals and politicians, and is well known as the location of the monthly open-air book market called Mafroush (a Sudanese Arabic word meaning displayed), established by ‘Work Cultural Group’ in 2012 (banned by the authorities in 2015). Etienne Square is thus associated with enabling literary freedom and access, following the closure of many of Khartoum’s bookstores (Khartoum’s bookstores having numbered 400 in the 1960s) and during governmental restrictions that limited publication freedom and access.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Etienne Square, El Gamhuriya Street, Khartoum’s old downtown. The square contains a number of traditional Sudan and African craft stores, it is considered a gathering place for writers, artists, intellectuals and politicians, and is well known as the location of the monthly open-air book market called Mafroush (a Sudanese Arabic word meaning displayed), established by ‘Work Cultural Group’ in 2012 (banned by the authorities in 2015). Etienne Square is thus associated with enabling literary freedom and access, following the closure of many of Khartoum’s bookstores (Khartoum’s bookstores having numbered 400 in the 1960s) and during governmental restrictions that limited publication freedom and access.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Etienne Square, El Gamhuriya Street, Khartoum’s old downtown. The square contains a number of traditional Sudan and African craft stores, it is considered a gathering place for writers, artists, intellectuals and politicians, and is well known as the location of the monthly open-air book market called Mafroush (a Sudanese Arabic word meaning displayed), established by ‘Work Cultural Group’ in 2012 (banned by the authorities in 2015). Etienne Square is thus associated with enabling literary freedom and access, following the closure of many of Khartoum’s bookstores (Khartoum’s bookstores having numbered 400 in the 1960s) and during governmental restrictions that limited publication freedom and access.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Etienne Square, El Gamhuriya Street, Khartoum’s old downtown. The square contains a number of traditional Sudan and African craft stores, it is considered a gathering place for writers, artists, intellectuals and politicians, and is well known as the location of the monthly open-air book market called Mafroush (a Sudanese Arabic word meaning displayed), established by ‘Work Cultural Group’ in 2012 (banned by the authorities in 2015). Etienne Square is thus associated with enabling literary freedom and access, following the closure of many of Khartoum’s bookstores (Khartoum’s bookstores having numbered 400 in the 1960s) and during governmental restrictions that limited publication freedom and access.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Etienne Square, El Gamhuriya Street, Khartoum’s old downtown. The square contains a number of traditional Sudan and African craft stores, it is considered a gathering place for writers, artists, intellectuals and politicians, and is well known as the location of the monthly open-air book market called Mafroush (a Sudanese Arabic word meaning displayed), established by ‘Work Cultural Group’ in 2012 (banned by the authorities in 2015). Etienne Square is thus associated with enabling literary freedom and access, following the closure of many of Khartoum’s bookstores (Khartoum’s bookstores having numbered 400 in the 1960s) and during governmental restrictions that limited publication freedom and access.
Collection: issamahmedabdelhafiez.khartoumandomdurmanbuildings
Description: Etienne Square, El Gamhuriya Street, Khartoum’s old downtown. The square contains a number of traditional Sudan and African craft stores, it is considered a gathering place for writers, artists, intellectuals and politicians, and is well known as the location of the monthly open-air book market called Mafroush (a Sudanese Arabic word meaning displayed), established by ‘Work Cultural Group’ in 2012 (banned by the authorities in 2015). Etienne Square is thus associated with enabling literary freedom and access, following the closure of many of Khartoum’s bookstores (Khartoum’s bookstores having numbered 400 in the 1960s) and during governmental restrictions that limited publication freedom and access.
Items: 6


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