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Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: The Khalīfa has received the letter from ʿUthmān Diqna dated 09/09/1305 which stated the arrival of 50 boxes of ammunition. 10/1305
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: On the return of ʿUthmān Diqna to Adarāmāb with boats carrying grain; on the sinking of one of the ships in the district of Kabūshiya; on preparations of cultivation. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 229 19/01/1309
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: ʿUthmān Diqna informs the Khalīfa of the situation in his area; ʿUthmān Diqna asks for help with grain; reminding to keep away from assaulting the people. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 291 03/04/1310
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A handwritten notebook in which Ali Ahmed Salih recounts the events, developments and coups that took place in Sudan from 1920 to 1924.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: Since their moving from Handūb to Tūkar, the fighters have received nothing. They suffer from hunger and disease. Since their moving from Handūb to Tūkar, the fighters have received nothing. They suffer from hunger and disease. Two texts: (1) The Khalīfa instructs the secretary of the treasury to give 7 riyāl to Sulaymān Muḥammad ʿAwaḍ. (2) The secretary of the treasury instructs the head of the department of money to follow the Khalīfa’s instruction. 1306
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: On the grain sent to ʿUthmān Diqna from Kasalā and Berber. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 103 29/01/1305
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: On the situation of the army, of the enemies and of the tribes in Eastern Sudan. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 355 01/11/1311
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: The secretary of the treasury informs ʿUthmān Diqna that fifty camels carrying ivory, accompanied by fifty men from the awlād al-ʿarab (Westerners) and the jihādiyya (slave soldiers) have arrived to Tūkar. They carried letters from Omdurman, stating that the administration in Tūkar should help them. Three days later, three letters arrived in the post from Berber. The letters explained that a man named Yūsuf Sulaymān has been appointed to fight the contraband ivory. The second and third letters deal with a smuggler name Muṣṭafā al-Nāʾim. As it happens, the latter was in Handūb, the other Mahdist station in Eastern Sudan. They arrested him, and seized the ivory in Tūkar, and are awaiting for Yūsuf Sulaymān’s confirmation that it is legal. 05/08/1307
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: On ʿUthmān Diqna’s arrival at the camp in ʿAṭbara and the state of the anṣār there; on the news from the district and the enemies. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 389 27/07/1312
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: Specifically on Maḥmūd Zāyd and his group (jamāʿa) coming from Kasalā to ʿUthmān Diqna, according to ʿUthmān Diqna’s request; ʿUthmān Diqna asks the Khalīfa to grant them his pardon. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 2 14/06/1303
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: This, and the next nine letters (NRO-M001136 to NRO-M001145), are all dated from 5 Shaʿbān 1307, written by Majdhūb Abū Bakr to ʿUthmān Diqna. One might wonder why would one write ten letters on the same day. The answer is given in NRO-M001137. This letter gives information on the whereabouts of the post, confirms that they know he is on his way back, and states that Abū Qarja has not received any letter from ʿUthmān Diqna, and wonders if it may have been delayed or lost. 05/08/1307
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: The letter is entirely crossed out and difficult to read. It seems to deal essentially with a petition from some of the anṣār as to the living conditions in Tūkar. 17/07/1307
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A series of questions and answers relating to jurisprudence written in verse.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: Martyrs of the battle of the besieged and the weapons that were seized. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 138 18/04/1306
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: On the joining of Muḥammad Qīlāy al-ʿAmārār. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 160 12/08/1306
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: This document is a copy of three letters. The first one presents the case and its resolution. Ḥamad al-Nīl claims that before his departure for Omdurman, he had left a deputy with his banner. Upon his return, he realised that another deputy had been appointed instead. He petitioned the Khalīfa for the prejudice this caused to him. When the Khalīfa communicated the petition to the umanā (delegates), they first asked ʿUthmān ʿAlī to answer to Ḥamad al-Nīl Ḥāmid's accusation. He produced a letter with his seal stating that Ḥamad al-Nīl had left without appointing a deputy for his banner, but that he himself had been appointed by Yūsuf Idrīs before ʿUthmān Diqna and this had been confirmed by the Khalīfa. Until Ḥamad al-Nīl Ḥāmid’s return from Omdurman, there was no issue in this banner. But when the latter came back, he found out about the new situation. A party of anṣār came to him and forced him to separate his group and form another banner. Then Ḥamad al-Nīl Ḥāmid was also asked to produce a statement on what had happened with ʿUthmān ʿAlī and he maintained his allegation. Eventually, both of them were visited by the ʿāmils, ʿamīrs and umanāʾ and an agreement was found between them. The second letter was sent from al-Ṭāhir al-Majdhūb, al-Shafīʿ Aḥmad Raḥma and Ismāʿīl Aḥmad to Ḥamad al-Nīl Ḥāmid and ʿUthmān ʿAlī. The umanāʾ (delegates) stated that they were witnesses to the agreement between the two protagonists. They also scolded them for having raised the matter directly to the Khalīfa without first going to the ʿāmils ʿUthmān Diqna and Abū Qarja or the umanāʿ. In the third letter, written by Ḥamad al-Nīl Ḥāmid and ʿUthmān ʿAlī, they confirm that the dispute between them has been resolved. After 13/08/1306
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A thirty-page document containing information about three famous men from Eastern Sudan: Goznirnger Pasha, Arakil Bek and Ibrahim Bek Al-Mahallawi.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: On the battle with the ʿAmārʾar of Maḥmūd ʿAlī and other tribes; the defeat of the anṣār; the sending of another force to fight them. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 21/1 05/04/1305
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: Report on the anṣār travelling to ʿAṭbara with Ḥāmid ʿAlī. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 383 07/05/1312
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: List of the wives, concubines and slaves of Manṣūr Ḥāmid - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 398
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: On the Turks who have cut the salaries of some of the leaders (zuʾamāʾ) and on the withdrawal to the ʿAytbāy. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 340 04/04/1311
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: Ḍaw al-Bayt Ādam asks to be forgiven for not having written before. He asks that ʿUthmān Diqna does not cut communication with him. 20/10/1306
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: Muḥammad Ādam, one of the mulāzamīn of Muḥammad Fāy, asked for leave to go to Omdurman. After staying seven months in Omdurman, he passed through the Qāsh and arrived in Tūkar with ʿAbd Allāh Abū Yūsuf. The latter sent him to an undisclosed location. Since ʿAbd Allāh Abū Bakr Yūsuf has not returned, he stayed there and asks for help as he is now destitute. 01/03/1307
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: Inventory of the army. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 153 03/06/1306
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: A collection of songs and chants by Mustafa Salim on miscellaneous subjects.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: After his coronation, King Abu Hasis found the country obedient to his father's sword, this is how it continued until his rule ended. He was succeeded by his son Hamad Abu Dilu'.
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.mahdia
Description: On the sending of bullets and damp black powder, which they gathered, to Omdurman. - This text has been edited in Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Abū Salīm, Muḥarrarāt ʿUthmān Diqna, Khartoum, Markaz Abū Salīm li-l-dirāsāt, 2004. See letter 81 24/12/1305
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.manuscripts
Description: Compiled by Muhammad Abde al-Hay Al-Shaibini II, this discusses grammar and rhetoric. It contains annotations by Ibn Al-Baitar.
Items: 745


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