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Collection: habibifunk.broadcastingtelevisionandtheatremagazine
Description: An article about the life and career of Sudanese athlete Munira Ramadan. Radio, Television and Theatre Magazine, issue 36, 1976. Munira Ramadan was the first female football referee in the Middle East and Africa, possibly the world. Making her way into the elusive, testosterone-fuelled world of sports, Ramadan took to the fields in the 1970s, whistle and yellow cards at the ready. She spearheaded the way into the sports industry for the women who followed her.
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Members of the female football team at Camboni's primary school
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.images
Description: Mrs. Nafeesa Ahmed Al-Amin was one of the founders of the Sudanese Women's Union and the first Sudanese woman to serve in the executive branch as dDputy Minister of Youth and Sports in 1961. She also served as minister, ambassador and parliamentary deputy.
Collection: rashidphotostudio.rashidphotostudio
Description: Women football's team in Atbara stadium
Items: 4


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