
Collection: nationalrecordsoffice.books
Description: This contains four sections, each divided into several chapters: Part 1: Western rules and theories divided into two chapters. The first chapter is on the science of music, which is further divided into several sub-sections. The second chapter includes music as an art. Throughout the book, from this first part, examples are given of rhythmic harmony. Part 2: Military marches are divided into four chapters. This includes heritage marches, military Jalalat, composed marches, Sudanese Battalion marches. Part 3: Horn instruments and military traditions divided into four chapters. This includes the definition of the mullet machine, the slogans of units and leaders, daily shifts, military peace's using the mullet . Part 4: The science of instruments is divided into six chapters. This includes the composition of orchestras, string instruments, wooden and acoustic instruments, brass instruments, rhythmic instruments. The book also contains a number of images and a conclusion.
Items: 1
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