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Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Newspaper report, attributed to Al-Jazeera satellite channel, giving details of Abdallah's work and his achievements.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: An article about Abdallah by Dr Kamil Ibrahim.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: An article on the one year anniversary of Abdallah's death by Majdhub Mustafa Ali.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: An obituary for Abdallah by Al-Tayyib Muhammad Al-Tayyib.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: An obituary for Abdallah by Al-Sir Hasan Fadl.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: A newspaper article about Abdallah.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: The Sudanese poet Mustafa Awadallah Bushara's memories of Abdallah.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Newspaper article criticising the Arab Language Academy in Khartoum for not showing Abdallah the support and respect he deserves.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Newspaper article describing some of the stages in Abdallah's life, his achievements and interests.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: The last article in a series of three based on an interview with Griselda by a local newspaper. In the article Griselda talks about her art and about her study of costumes and Sudanese folklore among other subjects.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: A newspaper article in which Abdallah's friends talk about him.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: A memorial is held for Abdallah at the Sudanese consulate in Jeddah.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Al-Sharq al-Awsat's obituary for Abdallah republished in local press.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Al-Zubayr Bashir Taha's poem in memory of Abdallah.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: An obituary for Abdallah by Kamal Hamza Abu-Mazin.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: The Egyptian writer's introduction to Abdallah's Al-Murshid.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: A press journalist describes his emotional visit to Griselda after Abdallah's death.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Journalist Amina al-Fadl was due to interview Abdallah but he died before they could meet.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Newspaper front page with pictures of Abdallah's funeral.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: A short newspaper article suggesting a film is made about Abdallah's life and asking why his house should not be turned into a museum.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Newspaper piece with excerpts from Al-Murshid.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Newspaper's full double spread on Abdallah's life containing reports, poems and memories.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: An obituary for Abdallah by Yasir Ahmad Mukhtar.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Abdallah's verse thanking Egyptian writer Taha Husayn for his kind words writen as an introduction to Abdallah's book Al-Murshid.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: A poem by Saad Abd-al-Qadir al-Agib in memory of Abdallah.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Newspaper article and photos of Abdallah's funeral.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Second in a three-part series by Idriss Musafa Hamid about Abdallah 'the poet and countryman'.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: An obituary for Abdallah in London-based Arabic newspaper.
Items: 60


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