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Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam Al-Mirghaniyah. Salat - meat grilled on stones heated intensively by charcoal placed below.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam. Food prepared for the occasion, which is prepared on daily basis, it consists of rice, bread and meat.
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A group of men eating Asida* at the Darfur Women's Museum in Nyala. *Asida: It is an Arabic dish of flour mixed with water with a sweetener, usually sugar, molasses or honey. Porridge is a popular dish and sweets have a special place in social events
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A market trader in the El Obeid souk.
Collection: griseldaeltayib.griseldaeltayibcollection
Description: Traditional suya, meat covered in breadcrumbs and spices cooked around an open fire in Kano, Nigeria.
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A pot of Sorghum cooking over a fire.
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A tray of traditional street coffee with a sugar bowl.
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: Dried goods set out for sale in the El Obeid souk.
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A plate of meat, pickles and spices at the market in Menawashe, Darfur, Western Sudan
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam. Men preparing rice for the occasion and because its quantity is so big they carry it with a shovel.
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: Asha Ali Mohamed Nour cooking Asida* at the Darfur Women's Museum in Nyala. *Asida: It is an Arabic dish of flour mixed with water with a sweetener, usually sugar, molasses or honey. Porridge is a popular dish and sweets have a special place in social events.
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A group of men eating Asida at the Darfur Women's Museum in Nyala Western Sudan. Asida : It is an Arabic dish of flour mixed with water with a sweetener, usually sugar, molasses or honey. Porridge is a popular dish and sweets have a special place in social events
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A shared roadside meal in Menawashe, Darfur.
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: Hyat working at her street coffee stall at the entrance of the Khalifa Mosque in Omdurman.
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: Dried good set out for sale in the El Obeid souk.
Collection: westernsudancommunitymuseums.photographs
Description: A woman standing at a water melon stall in Nyala, South Darfur.
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.photographs
Description: Sudan, Merchant.
Collection: rihabbaidastudionyala.rihabbaidastudionyala
Description: Murhaka: a traditional grinding stone for making flour from grains, in lieu of the motor mill; Folk Heritage Exhibition, The Neem Forest, Nyala.
Items: 18


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