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Collection: bejaculturalstudiescentreredseauniversity.sidi
Description: This coffee cup is made of china/glass; here we have two finjans and a wooden holder ornamented with colourful beads.
Collection: bejaculturalstudiescentreredseauniversity.sidi
Description: This ornamented coffee pot is used for decoration mainly, but is sometimes used for holding coffee.
Collection: bejaculturalstudiescentreredseauniversity.sidi
Description: This is made of copper, and used for drinking coffee; an artefact which was used during the first Turkish rule of Sudan.
Collection: bejaculturalstudiescentreredseauniversity.sidi
Description: This ladle is made of wood and used for serving food, but its use has decreased as it has been replaced with modern utensils and tools.
Collection: bejaculturalstudiescentreredseauniversity.sidi
Description: This is made of clay and ornamented with colourful beads; this example is used for decoration only.
Items: 5
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