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Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam. A crowd of women at the back with their traditional clothes of various colors. Men are in front of them wearing white clothes with a sidairi (a vest-like traditional garment) of grey, black or brown colour as their traditional garments.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam: a group of Hadandawa men including elderly people in traditional clothes.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam. A group of middle-aged women covering their faces except for the eyes: a old custom distinguishing some tribes.
Collection: houseofheritage.houseofheritage
Description: The Hawliyah (death anniversary) of Sharifah Maryam. A man delivering a speech with a microphone; peace usually persists among people during the period of the ceremony which is about eight days. No disputes occurs between the different groups, the sheikh here calls for peace.
Items: 4
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