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Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Sudan: barbering, tooth-drawing and cupping being practised. Photograph, ca. 1920.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Khartoum Health Service: Sudanese men repairing buckets, Khartoum, Sudan. Photograph, ca. 1911.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: A Sudanese man suffering from mental illness is restrained with a y-shaped piece of wood bolted around his neck, Sudan. Photograph, 1947.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Wellcome Tropical Research laboratories were founded by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum in 1903. From 1913 until their closure in 1935, the laboratories were under the control of the government of Sudan.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Dr Oldham attending a patient in the hospital tent, Jebel Moya, Sudan.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Sudan: barbering, tooth-drawing and cupping being practised. Photograph, ca. 1920.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Wellcome Tropical Research laboratories were founded by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum in 1903. From 1913 until their closure in 1935, the laboratories were under the control of the government of Sudan.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Wellcome Tropical Research laboratories were founded by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum in 1903. From 1913 until their closure in 1935, the laboratories were under the control of the government of Sudan.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Wellcome Tropical Research laboratories were founded by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum in 1903. From 1913 until their closure in 1935, the laboratories were under the control of the government of Sudan.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Sudan: steamship Culex and floating laboratory on the Nile. Photograph by R.G. Archibald, 1911.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Wellcome Tropical Research laboratories were founded by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum in 1903. From 1913 until their closure in 1935, the laboratories were under the control of the government of Sudan.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Wellcome Tropical Research laboratories were founded by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum in 1903. From 1913 until their closure in 1935, the laboratories were under the control of the government of Sudan.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Captain Archibald, originally a pathologist under Doctor (later Sir) Andrew Balfour, the 1st Director of the Tropical Research laboratories. Archibald later followed Balfour as Director c. 1920 - 1935. The Wellcome Tropical Research laboratories were founded by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum in 1903. From 1913 until their closure in 1935, the laboratories were under the control of the government of Sudan.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Wellcome excavations in Sudan (Jebel Moya). Henry Wellcome, staff and boys.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Wellcome Tropical Research laboratories were founded by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum in 1903. From 1913 until their closure in 1935, the laboratories were under the control of the government of Sudan.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: The Wellcome Tropical Research laboratories were founded by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum in 1903. From 1913 until their closure in 1935, the laboratories were under the control of the government of Sudan.
Collection: wellcomecollection.wellcomecollection
Description: Foreground: a man applying anaesthesia with a facemask. Left, a shelf of bottles on sheets of newspaper. Background, a young man with surgical instruments.
Items: 19


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