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Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: View into the valley of Musawwarat es-Sufra from a mountain in the north of the valley. Between the solitary mountain in the foreground and the mountains in the background, one can see the large hafir (artificial water basin from the Kushite era) with the excavation house of Humboldt University on the left. To the right of this mountain, part of the Great Enclosure of Musawwarat es-Sufra can be seen in the background.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of two young men from Kabushiya and a child, standing next to their old British gasoline driven lister generators
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of two ladies from the tribe of the Hassaniya in Musawwarat es Sufra
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of Abdou, one of the foreworkers at the Humboldt-University excavations in Musawwarat
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a small boy from the Hassaniya tribe in Musawwarat. He is sitting on the sandy soil of a wadi and has a small whip for his donkey in his hand. In the background you can see the sandstone mountains of the western Butana.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of Halima, the cook on Tim Kendall's excavations at Jebel Barkal
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: A taxi in the crowded streets of Khartoum, taken in El-Gamhuriya Street.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a young woman sitting on an angareb in a nomadic hut. The family's belongings are stored hanging from the ceiling and walls of the hut.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Columns and the Elephant Protome on the Terrace of the Great Enclosure of Musawwarat, looking North from the centre of the terrace
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: View of the harbour of Suakin with wooden fishing boats. One of the boats is being repaired; in front of it a Chinese bicycle is parked. In the background you can see some of the ruins of Suakin and a new building.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: View into the entrance hall of the palace ruins in the old town island of Suakin.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of Musa, one of the excavation workers from the Hassaniya tribe who assisted in the Humboldt University excavations in Musawwarat
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of five men from Musawwarat. They all belong to the Hassaniya tribe and worked as excavation workers on the Humboldt University of Berlin's excavations in Musawwarat in the 1990s. The young man on the right in the foreground is Ahmed ed Dali, son of Mohammed Ahmed ed Dali, the rais of the nomadic group inhabiting the region of Musawwarat.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: View into a side valley of Wadi es-Sufra with the well of Bir ban Naga, where some of the nomads of the Hassaniya tribe living here fetch water for their animals.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a mechanic repairing the ferry in Shendi.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a young car mechanic in a car workshop in Port Sudan
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a lady selling tea and coffee at the ferry station of Tanqasi
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: A nomad from the Hassaniya tribe sits on an angareb in front of his hut in a side valley of Musawwarat. The hut is made of wooden branches and covered with straw mats and linen sacks. The drinking water is in a large ceramic vessel which has been fixed to a tree in the foreground.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of Obiedallah. He was a foreman on the Humboldt University excavations in the 1960s and was later employed by the Sudanese Antiquities Department as a guard at Musawwarat. When this portrait was taken, he was already retired and taking care of the plants at the Humboldt University excavation house.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of the excavation worker Bilal Mubarak, whom I had met on the SARS excavations in Gabati, and who later also worked on our excavations in Meroe and Hamadab.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Three boys who earn their income by cleaning shoes at the weekly market in Shendi.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a young woman from the Hassaniya tribe and her child in Musawwarat es-Sufra
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of two old men from Musawwarat. They are two brothers who lived with their families in a side valley of Musawwarat.
Collection: pawelwolf.pawelwolf
Description: Portrait of a young girl from the Hassaniya tribe in Musawwarat
Items: 24


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