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Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman, also known as Mawlid Al Nabi Al Sharif. Al-Mawlid is the observance of the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH/SAW), which is commemorated in Rabie Al-Awal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. Sunnis observe Al-Mawlid on 12th Rabie Al-Awal while Shias observe it on 17th Rabie Al-Awal.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman, also known as Mawlid Al Nabi Al Sharif. Al-Mawlid is the observance of the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH/SAW), which is commemorated in Rabie Al-Awal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. Sunnis observe Al-Mawlid on 12th Rabie Al-Awal while Shias observe it on 17th Rabie Al-Awal.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman, also known as Mawlid Al Nabi Al Sharif. Al-Mawlid is the observance of the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH/SAW), which is commemorated in Rabie Al-Awal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. Sunnis observe Al-Mawlid on 12th Rabie Al-Awal while Shias observe it on 17th Rabie Al-Awal.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman, also known as Mawlid Al Nabi Al Sharif. Al-Mawlid is the observance of the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH/SAW), which is commemorated in Rabie Al-Awal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. Sunnis observe Al-Mawlid on 12th Rabie Al-Awal while Shias observe it on 17th Rabie Al-Awal.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Collective ritual. Disciples have to follow certain rules of conduct and spiritual exercises in order to progress towards God and to elevate themselves to the ranks of the pure. Men gather beneath the Burhani banner during the long night of Holiya to begin the ritual of Hadra, also known as Dhikr, from midnight until dawn. Disciples arranged in rows perform increasingly rapid rhythmic movements. They begin with a semi-circular motion from right to left and continue upright while flexing their legs. Dhikr is the spiritual method consisting of incantation of the name of Allah together with these specific movements. The objective of Dhikr is to purify the hearts of disciples and to bring them to a subtle and refined state of ecstasy. Women do not participate directly in Dhikr but allow themselves to be absorbed by the melodies sung by the Munshidin who cast a spell over this holy night. Khartoum, Sudan.
Items: 6


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