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Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Sufi sheikh
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: The heartbeat of the Holiya is set by the parade and the visiting delegates from other Sufi orders coming from all regions of Sudan. One is witness to a fascinating spectacle of banners and drummers at the head of religious and tribal chieftains, all come to greet and honour the sheikh of the local brotherhood. Delegations file past with a joyous step, in contrast to the seriousness of the sheikh who welcomes each group with a prayer of greeting. Khartoum, Sudan.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: A window onto the great gathering. Khartoum, Sudan.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Sudanese women in Sabonabe Sennar State
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Wall decoration during Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Sufi sheikh
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Sufi sheikh
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Sufis in Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Tomb of Sufi Saints in Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Tomb of Sufi Saints in Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Holy scripts in Khartoum, Sudan.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Man wearing the turban, or Imma. Khartoum, Sudan.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman, also known as Mawlid Al Nabi Al Sharif. Al-Mawlid is the observance of the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH/SAW), which is commemorated in Rabie Al-Awal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. Sunnis observe Al-Mawlid on 12th Rabie Al-Awal while Shias observe it on 17th Rabie Al-Awal.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Tomb of Sufi Saints in Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman, also known as Mawlid Al Nabi Al Sharif. Al-Mawlid is the observance of the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH/SAW), which is commemorated in Rabie Al-Awal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. Sunnis observe Al-Mawlid on 12th Rabie Al-Awal while Shias observe it on 17th Rabie Al-Awal.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Sufis in Sudan
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Sheikh Al Buri
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman, also known as Mawlid Al Nabi Al Sharif. Al-Mawlid is the observance of the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH/SAW), which is commemorated in Rabie Al-Awal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. Sunnis observe Al-Mawlid on 12th Rabie Al-Awal while Shias observe it on 17th Rabie Al-Awal.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Sufi follower holding a banner.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Gathering with the Sufi order, the Tariqa Burhaniya. Among the many Sufi orders of Sudan, the Burhaniya Tariqa gathers disciples every year at Khartoum to celebrate the Holiya of the founding saint, Sheikh Muhammad Uthman Abdu al Burhani. Founded in 1963, the Burhaniya Tariqa has spread beyond Sudan; first in Egypt, then, often due to Egyptian emigration, on to the Maschrek (North Africa) and also in Europe and North America. Souk shahabi in Khartoum, Sudan.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: A man sporting an everyday Sudanese hat, or Tagya, records the sounds of Dhikr taking place in the background. The accompanying Sufi songs (Quaisads) evoke the sayings and the life of a saint or also tolerance or describe the states of ecstasy attained during Dhikr. Quaisads assist concentration and are sung by the orders finest singers (Muddah). Hence, the Muddah enjoys a highly respected position within the group.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Koranic school
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Women absorbed by the celebrations. Khartoum, Sudan.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman, also known as Mawlid Al Nabi Al Sharif. Al-Mawlid is the observance of the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH/SAW), which is commemorated in Rabie Al-Awal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. Sunnis observe Al-Mawlid on 12th Rabie Al-Awal while Shias observe it on 17th Rabie Al-Awal.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Koranic school
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Holy scripts displayed during Al-Mawlid celebration in Omdurman.
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Koranic school
Collection: frederiquecifuentes.sufitraditionsinsudan
Description: Sudanese women in Sabonabe Sennar State.
Items: 49


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