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Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Laqiya 'Umran, sheet 44-C / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum.
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Routes in south-west Abyssinia, the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Uganda and Kenya / by Arnold W. Hodson, C.M.G. 1923-26
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Dongola and Berber; sheet 45 ; Reproduced and printed for the Topographical Section, General Staff, at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton. 1907.
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Afrique (Région orientale): El-Fachir ; no. 27 Africa (Eastern region): Al-Fashir ; no. 27
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, J. Rahib sheet 44-K / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Bir en Natrun, sheet 44-F / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Afrique (région orientale): Al-Obied; non. 28 Africa (Eastern region): Al-Obied ; no. 28
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Equatorial Provinces of Egypt compiled from original maps [by] Mason Bey 1877
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Landform map of North Africa / by Erwin Raisz 1952
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Zolat el Hammad sheet 44-J / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Carta del Teatro della Guerra nel Sudan Egiziano / tratta dalle migliori e piu recenti carte militari inglesi per cura dell'Istituto Cartografico Italiano ; E. Voghera Editore Roma Map of the Theatre of War in Egyptian Sudan / taken from the best and most recent English military papers by the Italian Cartographic Institute; E. Voghera Publisher Rome
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, J. er Rub sheet 44-G / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Afrique (région orientale): Lado; non. 36 Africa (Eastern region): Lado; no. 36
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, J. Abyad, sheet 44-D / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000 / Survey Office, Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Carte du cours moyen du Nil et de ses affluents, Dinder, Sawabat, Nam, b. S. Zerraf, b. Djour Lam Umm Mabrouz et Jules Ponset et Erhard Map of the middle course of the two Niles and their tributaries: Dender, Saubat, Nam, B. es Zeraf, B. Djour by M.M. Ambrose and Jules Poncet and Erhard
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: French Sudan: map to illustrate the work of the Mission Tilho in Tibesti, Borku, Erdi and Ennedi.
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000 / Survey Office, Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Provisional map of Khartoum city: Khartoum north and Omdurman, compiled for use of the Khartoum Mudiria by Lieut. Colonel E.A. Stanton, Governor Khartoum Province.
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: East Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, sheet 44-A / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, sheet 44-I / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan sheet 44-E / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Carte du cours du Nil comprenant l'Egypte, la Nubie et l'Abyssinie Map of the Nile course including Egypt, Nubia and Abyssinia
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Afrique (région orientale): Swakin; non. 22 Africa (Eastern region): Swakin ; no. 22
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Eritrea, Abyssinia and Eastern Sudan / edited by A. Herrich; printing and publishing by Carl Flemming in Glogau
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, sheet 44-I / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: Africa 1:250,000 / Survey Office, Khartoum
Collection: americangeographicalsocietylibraryuniversityofwisconsinmilwaukee.maps
Description: East Africa 1:250,000, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Nukheila Oasis, sheet 44-B / compiled and zincographed at the Survey Office Khartoum
Items: 55


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