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Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A full face studio portrait of a seated woman wearing numerous pendant ornaments from her braided hair and around her neck.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A formal portrait of a member of the Khartoum elite, named as Kadi of Khartoum, holding a rosary.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: An upper body profile portrait of an Avokaya man with feather ornamented hair pin and bead strings around the neck. His upper lip is pierced by a thin metal ring ornament.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A vignette profile head-and-shoulders portrait of a man.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A vignette profile head-and-shoulders portrait of a man.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A posed group of seven women wearing textile body cloths. It is unclear where this photograph was taken, but these women may well be slave women living in Khartoum or another large settlement. Their description as 'African' women is meant to suggest their non-Arab ethnicity, and hence suggests that Buchta came into contact with them in a mostly Arabised settlement.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A vignette upper body profile portrait of a Zande man with braided hair and wearing a neck ring. The Makaraka (this name for the Zande of the Odio area seems to be of Mittu origin) were part of the Zande kingdom and speak a dialect of the Zande language.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A group studio portrait of four young woman wearing numerous pendant ornaments and fringed skirts, with a hookah placed nearby. One of them is described in another image as a Gawazieh dancer.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A studio portrait of two young women on a couch. The girl to the right has cicatrices on her abdomen and arms, and they both have pendant and bead ornaments in their hair.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A vignette head-and-shoulders profile portrait of a Baka man.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A vignette upper body full face portrait of a Zande male, his hair braided into strands at the sides and in two bunches on top, a hair pin placed through one bunch. He has several dotted scarification marks on his forehead, as well as dot and chevron marks on his abdomen.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: An upper body profile portrait of a young Zande woman, her hair finely braided. She has a number of dotted scarification marks on her upper arm as well as dotted designs on her abdomen.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A full length portrait of a young Shilluk woman dressed in an animal skin, holding a large vessel on her head.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A formal portrait of a Beja Hadendoa sheikh identified as Musa Bey, holding a rosary and walking staff.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: A full length portrait of a Zande binza or witchdoctor standing beside a hut, wearing rattles, skins, medicines and other attire of the corporation.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: Full length portrait of a child slave in Khartoum.
Collection: pittriversmuseum.richardbutcha
Description: An arrangement of seven Zande throwing knives, four of which are of the same type, two more being somewhat similar, and another of a different type being a long curved blade with a thicker end. It is possible that Buchta collected a number of Zande objects on his brief expedition to this part of Sudan.
Items: 17


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Richard Butcha

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