Shurooq Abu Elnaas Watani (My Nation)
Bibliographic data
- Description:
- A short film featuring the release of Shurooq's song Watani (My Nation). Watani was released on 4 April 2019 in celebration of the revolutionary spirit and freedom movement of the people of Sudan. Sudanese singer Shurooq Abu Elnaas was born at sunrise in the city of Khartoum. Her musical repertoire spans the Sahel and the Arab world.
- Country location:
- Sudan
- Date:
- 2019
- Collection:
- Frederique Cifuentes > Sudan Revolution: Women in Blue
- Media type:
- Film Cine
- Topics:
- Revolution
- Sudan Memory ID:
- FCF-1000003
Here you will find citation links to the record.